===== Missing Parts or Time on an Invoice ===== __Incident description__ Parts or Time do not display on an Invoice. This document will illustrate some of the more common reasons for this happening. __Resolution__ 1. On the Invoicing tab for the selected Job Card, check that the options to print Parts and Labour are selected. {{:2000faq:2200errors:faq_jobpartused0.png|}} 2. On the Timesheet or Parts Used screen, check that the option to “Do not print on invoice” is not selected. {{:2000faq:2200errors:faq_jobpartused.png|}} 3. Check that the parts you want to print are not Quoted Parts {{:2000faq:2200errors:faq_jobpartused2.png|}} 4. On the Invoicing tab, under the Quote heading, if there is a dollar amount in either the Labour or Parts fields, this will prevent the individual Part or Timesheet line items from displaying dollar figures. {{:2000faq:2200errors:faq_jobpartused3.png|}} There is a setup option which toggles whether a dollar amount in either of these fields affects the way both Parts and Labour print on the Invoice, or if a dollar amount in Parts only affects Parts and a dollar amount in Labour only affects Labour. This can be found under Utilities -> Setup -> Job Cards, Page one. The option is titled “Quoted Job Price includes both parts and labour”. {{:2000faq:2200errors:faq_jobpartused4.png|}} 5. Re-index your TSM Data. Please see [[5000manual:5800utilities:5848reindex|Reindex TSM]] for information on re-indexing. 6. It is possible that the invoice template you are using to print has been customised to have a “Print When” condition on the parts or labour fields, or that these fields do not exist under the selected invoice layout. Please consult TSM Support for assistance. [[2000faq:2200errors:2200errors|Back to Common Errors FAQ]] [[2000faq:2000faq|Back to FAQ]]