===== Common Errors ===== This document describes some of the most common MYOB Post 3 errors and the troubleshooting steps for them. **Note:** The MYOB Post v3 Debug Log is in indispensable tool in troubleshooting many errors. It needs to be switched on. The option for this is located in Tools/Options/General of the MYOB Post. {{.:post3common001.png|}} {{.:post3common003.png|}} When MYOB Post v3 fails to connect to MYOB or TSM, a warning will come up at startup. __Common connection problems:__ 1. The path to the TSM directory that contains the file tsm.dll, or the path to myob.exe or myobp.exe are incorrect. Check the path and correct it where it is wrong. If you have a shortcut icon for MYOB and/or TSM on your desktop, you can easily see where it points to by right-clicking on it and selecting “Properties”. To correct the path settings go to the Tools/Options in MYOB Post and select the correct paths in MYOB and TSM Settings. [{{ 2000faq:2400accounting:2410myob:post3common005.png?200|Post 3 Debug Log Screen}}] 2. TSM.DLL – related issues. You will get an 'The specified module could not be found' error in the Debug Log: Check that tsm.dll is actually present in the directory specified. If it is not there, you will need to run a TSM update – it will replace the file. If the file is there, run the TSM Network / Workstation installation utility, which along with the TSM update can be obtained from our downloads website www.theservicemanager.com, Services Menu, Version Updates. Please consult the FAQ documents on updating and running workstation installation. 3. “MYOB Company File does not exist” – this message may appear in the debug log if the MYOB company file selected in Tools/Options/MYOB is missing or has been moved since it was initially selected. Check the location of the file and re-select it. 4. “MYOB: Unable to initialize Connection” – this is usually related to the ODBC driver. The ODBC driver may need to be repaired or installed on this machine. Please consult the FAQ document on installing the MYOB ODBC. [{{ 2000faq:2400accounting:2410myob:post3common007.png?200|SQL Error Message}}] __SQL Errors__ A transaction has failed to post with a message of “-9999: SQL Syntax Error”. This happens when the SQL command to insert the transaction is rejected by MYOB because it is syntactically incorrect. This used to happen due to a bug in earlier versions of the software. If you are running a version lower than 3.40, please update to the latest version of MYOB Post. The update is available from the Services Menu, Version Updates on the TSM site www.theservicemanager.com, or directly from this link: http://www.spearhead.com.au/download/tsm/TSMMYOBSetup.exe If the error persists, the transaction you are posting may be too long for the MYOB ODBC buffer, which is limited to 32Kb of SQL code text. This may happen if the invoice contains a large number of products or a significant amount of text in the Work Performed field. Try moving the Job’s Work Performed into the Job Note and posting the invoice again. Beyond that, you will need to update MYOB Post to a version that posts transactions in such a way that each line item is a separate SQL statement. Please contact the Proware office for this version to be installed. __The post crashes upon loading an invoice__ This may happen due to several reasons, with data corruption on the invoice record being among the most common causes. Usually this will manifest with an error message popping up whilst the Post is loading invoices. 1. You should see the invoice number the Post failed on in the progress window: [{{ 2000faq:2400accounting:2410myob:post3common012.png?150|Windows Task Manager}}] [{{ 2000faq:2400accounting:2410myob:post3common014.png?150|Invoicing Tab in TSM}}] {{.:post3common010.png|}} 2. Note the invoice number down and shut the Post down. You will most likely have to terminate it using the Windows Task Manager. To bring it up, either right-click on the windows Task Bar or bring up the Windows Security Dialog (Ctrl+Alt+Del - substitude End for Del in Terminal Services) and selecting “Task Manager”. End the task for MYOB Post 3; its filename is tsmmyob.exe: 3. Bring up the offending invoice in TSM. Usually it should be fairly obvious what is wrong with it, such as in the example below, the zero dollar invoice is obviously meaningless. Generally, deleting the invoice and re-creating it (if necessary) will resolve the issue. __Loading Invoices by date or invoice number range runs slowly__ By default most workstations would have no need for the Visual FoxPro ODBC driver to be installed, although you may see Version 1 in Administrative Tools/Data Sources/Drivers tab. Installing it may afford some speed improvements when loading transactions with date or invoice number restrictions. To install the latest version of Visual FoxPro ODBC you will need to go to the Microsoft website and search for “VFP ODBC”. The driver is available here: http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/vfoxpro/bb190233.aspx Follow the instructions in the installation wizard to install the driver. Make sure the option “Use ODBC to read TSM data where possible” on Tools/Options/TSM of the MYOB Post is on. __Loading invoices produces no data to post__ The Post appears to run through some invoice data, but displays no invoices to post. Alternatively the progress bar never displays an initialization message and no data comes up to post. There are two common causes of this behavior: 1. All un-posted invoices happen to be for a department other than the departments listed and ticked in the Department list on Tools/Options/ TSM. This may also happen if the “Limit Transactions to the following Departments” option is ticked, but no departments in the list are ticked. If you are posting to several MYOB files (in which case you may be using the Department List feature to rout transactions to correct company files), please make sure you have loaded the correct copy of the MYOB Post. 2. There is a problem with the Visual FoxPro ODBC driver. Try un-ticking the “Use ODBC to read TSM data where possible” option on Tools/Options/TSM. If data loads after that – the VFP ODBC needs to be repaired, or re-installed. __[MYOB ODBC]Base table:ImportODBCErrors not found__ This error may come up on occasion. The simplest solution is to restart the machine the Post is installed in. This may not be possible if the Post is installed on the server, in which you will need to repair the MYOB ODBC installation from Add/Remove programs on the control panel. __MYOB Post connects, data loads but the “Posts Data” button is inactive__ Check if the post is registered. In the Tools menu, you will find the License option. If the status is “Not Yet Authorised” you will need to call the Proware office to license the software. {{.:post3common016.png|}}