===== Managing Customer Posting ===== __Incident Description__ In MYOB Post 3, the customer/supplier list takes a long time to load, or transactions do not post with an error message “Customer/Supplier does not exist”. __Resolution__ Unlike version 2 of the MYOB Post, version 3 does not automatically insert customers and suppliers that do not exist in MYOB. These records need to be loaded into the post and then sent to MYOB. Depending on the size of the customer table in TSM this process may take a long time. This document describes the procedure for reducing the number of customer or supplier records to be loaded each time, which in turn will streamline the procedure of posting to MYOB. **Please backup TSM and MYOB data before you proceed.** [{{:2000faq:2400accounting:2410myob:post3customers001.png?150|TSM Conduits }}] [{{ :2000faq:2400accounting:2410myob:post3customers003.png?150|MYOB Conduits}}] 1. Ensure that the Customer, Supplier Conduits in TSM and MYOB are ticked for Read and New to be true and Update and Delete to be false. The same for Customer Code and Supplier Code in TSM conduits: 2. Reload data for Customers/Suppliers. A progress bar will appear. **Note:** This step may take some time, depending, among other things on the size of the data and environmental factors such the speed of the network (when loading data over the network). [{{ :2000faq:2400accounting:2410myob:post3customers005.png?200|Loaded Customer List}}] 3. Once the load has finished the customer list will appear. Note the User Action column. Records that have been found to match in both packages will be marked there as “Do Not Process”. Records found only in TSM will be marked as “Source Updates Target” and records found only in MYOB will be marked “Target Updates Source”. **Tip:** It is recommended that you the records that are the same in the both packages are removed from this list by setting their User Action to “Mark as updated” (Step 5). Furthermore, the records that are found only in one of the packages are left unprocessed until such time as a transaction needs to be posted for them. 4. Tick the records that are marked as “Do Not Process” in the Sel column. 5. Right-click on the words “Do Not Process” to set the User Action to “Mark As Updated”. [{{ :2000faq:2400accounting:2410myob:post3customers009.png?200|Marking Customer List}}] {{:2000faq:2400accounting:2410myob:post3customers007.png?150|}} **Tip:** You can select and mark records in bulk by using the shift key. Press and hold the Ctrl key and click with your mouse to exclude individual records from a multiple selection. 6. Click on “Post Data”. If no records with user action of “Source Updates Target” or “Target Updates Source” are marked to be processed in the Sel column, pressing “Post Data” will not result in any new data actually being transferred. Simply, any records with User Action “Mark as Updated” will be marked to no longer appear when customer/supplier data is reloaded. 7. Review Session History for any failed transactions. 8. Review the records that need to be posted over to MYOB so that transactions for them can be posted as well as any records that need to be posted from MYOB into TSM for whom transactions need to be created in TSM. If the data is correct in the originating package (Customer/Card ID, company name, address, phone number, etc are correct), they can be selected to be posted. 9. Tick the Sel column for any records that are ready to be posted. 10. Press “Post Data” to post them over to MYOB or to TSM. **Note:** This process is the same for both Customers and Suppliers.