{{.:userg214.gif|}}===== Contract Jobs ===== {{:3000user_guide:contract_job686.png|}} Contract Jobs differ from standard Job Cards in that they might be carried out over a longer period of time, are quoted upfront, have one or more stages or have a number of progress invoices. The Contract Jobs screen is made up of the following pages: |Customer|Enter customer details, billing customer and site details.| |Job Logging |Log all details for the Contract Job prior to commencement.| |Notes|Any notes that are specific to the current contract job can be specified. | |Assignments|Manage assignments for the selected job.| |Budget|Contract Stages, Variations, Estimates, Parts Used and Labour details.| |Checklist|Checklist of the job.| |Tasks|Tasks for employees in the job| |Invoicing|Create multiple progress invoices against this Job Card.| |Summary|Summary of all Contract Job financial information.| |Documents|Link any document to the Contract Job such as a quotation, technical specification etc.| |Linked Job|Link this contract job to other related jobs.| === Job Number === {{:3000user_guide:jobnumber.png?250|}} The unique job card number assigned to this Contract Job. This number can be manually assigned when creating New Job cards or can be automatically assigned a sequential Job Number. Manual / Automatic and the next Job Number can be set up in the TSM Contract Jobs Setup screen. === Bottom Toolbar === The bottom toolbar provides convenient access to a range of functions described below: |Notes|Any details relevant to the job. This also holds an audit trail of Status code changes, date job was invoiced, printed, invoice issued, invoice deleted etc.| |Customer|Access Contact Maintenance from within Job Cards. You will initially view the Job Card Customer. Regardless of which Contacts you view, the Job Card Customer ID will not change.| |History|Shows the customer history for the customer appearing on the Job Card.| |Copy|Easily create copies of the selected Contract Job Card.| |Orders|Access Purchase Order Information. The button has 2 functions. Clicking on the Orders button opens the Purchase Orders module at the first order linked to this job card. Right click on the Orders button to display an Order Summary report for parts ordered for the selected job card. This is highlighted when the Job Card has orders placed. | [[3000user_guide:3000user_guide|Return to TSM User Guide]] [[:0010welcome|Return to main page]]