===== Filling in a Job Card Checklist ===== - Click Action -> Job Cards -> Job Card. - Click on the Check List tab. - Select the list item which will have information recorded against it. - Enter any comments relevant to the result in the Comment field (if any).\\ {{:3000user_guide:3400checklists:checklist12686.png?650|}} - Fill in the Result field * If the Check List item does not have Result group against it (see ‘Check Result Groups’ on page 5 of this document) then the ‘Result’ field will be free text. Type the result for the Check List question here. e.g.\\ {{.:checklistsn13.png?300}} * If the Check List item has a Result group against it, the Result field will be a drop down menu of potential responses. Select the appropriate option in the main list. e.g.{{:3000user_guide:3400checklists:checklist14686.png?700|}}\\ Also you can choose the answer at the bottom drop down box. \\ {{:3000user_guide:3400checklists:checklist15686.png?450|}} - Click ‘Save’ and repeat steps 3 to 6 for the remaining Checklist items.