===== Product Discounts ===== {{ :5000manual:5050contacts:contact_productdiscount686.png?650|Product Discounts tab}} You can assign specific product discounts for each contact based on the product type selected. See the discount field on the [[.:5065general_info|General Info tab]] to set discounts for all products of a customer. Press the Add button to add Product Discounts and the Delete button to remove discounts. ^**Productid**^ Enter the ProductID here if you want to discount or markup a particular product for this customer. ^**Product Type**^ Product items have 2 types – Product Type and Product Sub Type. Choose which type the markup/discount applies to. ^**Code**^ The specific Product Type or Product Sub Type code that the discount applies to. This dropdown will display a list of codes depending on what is selected the Product Type dropdown. ^**Price**^ Enter the price here – to be used in conjunction with individual product codes. ^**Markup %**^ Enter the percentage markup here to apply to the product or product type when selling to this customer via parts used on a job. ^**Discount %**^ Enter the percentage discount here to apply to the product or product type when buying via a Purchase Order from this supplier or selling to this customer via parts used on a job. ^**Expiry**^ The date this product discount/markup expires for this customer. {{:5000manual:5050contacts:contact_productexpiry686.png|Example of a Product Discount entry}}