===== Changing the Product ID ===== The Product ID can be changed by pressing the {{:5000manual:5100products:image009.png|}} Button next to the Product ID. {{:5000manual:5100products:image011.png|}} Enter the new Product ID value and press the Update button. All references to the old Product ID through out TSM will be changed to the new Product ID value entered here. For example, to change the Product ID ABC to DEF, Select the Product ABC and press the UPDATE button. Enter DEF into the new Key value. The following will display: {{:5000manual:5100products:image013.png|}} Confirm that you want to update the Product ID by pressing Yes or press No to cancel the update. You might want to change the Product ID in cases when a part number has been replaced with a new one and you wish to retrospectively change all references to it from the old to the new part number. **Note:** Once the Product ID is updated, all references to the old Product ID will be lost. It is advisable to back your data up before performing such an operation, as a safeguard against user error.