===== Price Breaks ===== {{ :5000manual:5100products:price_break686.png?600|Populated Price Break Screen}} A product can be priced either by markup or by purchase level, depending on the customer price code. There are 2 tables on the Pricing screen that allow for minute control of pricing variation, should it be needed. The Markup table allows to calculate the sell price by either entering the percentage markup (0-99.99%) or the Sell Price ex tax dollar amount. The Sell Price inc tax is then automatically calculated and displayed. {{:5000manual:5100products:image023.png|}} There are 5 markup categories corresponding to the 5 price codes. The Price Break table below allows for further 6 types of pricing control which are variations of breakdown by quantity or unit cost of this product priced by markup, level or price. {{:5000manual:5100products:image025.png|}} The price break dropdowns control the method used and the Price break table displays the appropriate columns. Click the {{:5000manual:5100products:add_686.png|}} and {{:5000manual:5100products:remove686.png|}} buttons to create and remove entries. In the screenshot above the product will be priced using the values in the Markup table, based on the price code (1-5) for a quantity of 0-49 units. If a purchase of this item is made totaling between 50 and 99 items the prices on the first line in the Price Break table will be used. Once again the value selected will be according to the price code (the Markup 1-5 columns). The values on the second line will be applied for purchases of 100 or more units. {{ :5000manual:5100products:image033.png?350|Price Break Example}} Price break by cost may be a better option in cases where portions of a unit may be sold, such as lengths or volumes. Price break value by level will refer back to the Markup table and price the item based on quantity or cost using the 1-5 price code. The example shows a situation where a purchase of 40 items will be priced at $150 ex tax each and a purchase of 350 will be priced at $100 each, excluding tax.