===== Alternate Parts ===== {{:5000manual:5100products:alternate_part686.png?600|Alternate tab}} There are times when certain products are out of stock and the contact needs that product urgently. With this situation you may supply them with another product instead. This alternate product must be functionally similar, however, it may be of a different brand or it may be more expensive because it provides more than what the contact requires. When this circumstance occurs TSM provides a mechanism to help the company respond quickly to the user even when a certain product is out of stock, so as to keep the contact happy by being timely and attentive to their needs. This section allows you to link alternative products to the current one you are working with. ^**Alternate Part No.**^ The Product ID of the alternate part. This can be an existing part in TSM or can be the part number of an item not in TSM. ^**Description**^ The description of the alternate part. ^**Expired**^ The date after which this part no longer is considered an alternative. ^**Cost**^ The current Cost ex tax of the part if it exists in TSM ^**TSM**^ Setting this checkbox specifies that this alternate product is a product that exists in your Product database. Having this checkbox unchecked indicates that the alternate part number does not exist as a part in the TSM Product database. ^**Buttons**^ {{:5000manual:5100products:add_delete_select_alt_part686.png|}}Use the Add, select and Delete buttons to link alternative parts to the current Product, revise details and remove associations respectively. When adding or deleting alternatives use the fields in the table to enter information. The Select button moves the Product Maintenance record from the current product to the alternate product highlighted in the table. You can only do this when the Alternate Part is linked to a TSM product item.