===== Enter Stocktake - 6.82 ===== Entering stock take within TSM 6.82 is very similar to previous versions of TSM. The new feature introduced exclusively for 6.82 has the ability to create batches for your stock takes. Open the Stock Take window. \\ \\ 1 Select Open Batches from the ‘Which Batches’ module \\ \\ 2 Select your desired location. \\ \\ 3 Press on the ‘Create Batch’ button. \\ \\ 4 Once a batch has been created, you will be allocated a ‘Batch #’ and will allow you to enter your stock take at an alternate time providing that you use the newly created ‘Batch #’. {{:5000manual:5100products:682_batch_screen.png?500|}} 5a By pressing the toggle button you can alternate by either completing the entire amount of your desired item’s stock take or no amount. \\ \\ 5b If you want to be specific, you can either type the Stock Count amount or use the up and down directional buttons. {{:5000manual:5100products:ready_to_batch.png|}} 6 When you press the Process button, you will be prompted with a message stating if you are ready to process the batch. Click Yes.