===== Summary ===== {{ :5000manual:5350contract_jobs:summary686.png?600|Summary tab}} The Summary page collates all of the financial information of the Contract Job in a simple to read summary. When you are positioned on the Summary Information tab, pressing the Print button will print out the summary to the screen / printer. === Summary Information === The first column of the summary information grid displays a listing all of the [[:5000manual:5350contract_jobs:5372costcentre|Cost Centres]] assigned to the Contract Job as well as the Job Totals and Variation Totals. By double clicking anywhere in the list, you will be presented with a detailed analysis of all the costs accumulated so far. The following information is displayed for each row in the Summary Information list: ^**Contract Value**^ The total price you have agreed to will charge your contact, set in the Quoted Price of each Cost Centre. ^**Estimated Cost**^ The total cost you have estimated. ^**Commitments**^ The total cost of materials currently on order. A list of ordered parts can be displayed by right clicking on the Orders button on the [[5000manual:5350contract_jobs:5368stages|Stages Toolbar]]. ^**Costs To Date**^ Actual costs accumulated to date from [[:5000manual:5350contract_jobs:5376partsused|Parts]] and [[5000manual:5350contract_jobs:5380time|Labour]]. ^**Variance**^ The difference between the estimated cost and the actual cost plus commitments. === Contract Value === Summarised information on other Contract Job Card financial information ^**Original Value**^ The total price you have agreed to charge your contact excluding Variations ^**Approved Variations**^ The total price you have agreed to charge your contact for variations that have been approved. ^**Current Value**^ The total contract value including approved variations. ^**Estimated Profit**^ The profit you have estimated you will make on this job based on Contract Value less estimated costs. This is displayed as a percentage and dollar value. ^**Current Profit**^ The current profit calculated as the Current value less the actual cost of parts and labour. === Profitability Analysis === ^**Accumulated Sell Price**^ The total sell price for parts and labour that has actually been added to a Contract Job. This gives you an indication of how much the value of parts and labour would have been worth if you billed it out directly rather than estimating it upfront. ^**Accumulated Cost**^ The total cost for parts and labour that has actually been added to a Contract Job. ^**Margin $**^ The dollar profit you would have made on the parts and labour accumulated on the Job Card if you had billed it out directly. ^**Margin %**^ The percentage profit on parts and labour accumulated on the Job Card. ^**% Complete**^ The overall percentage completed the job is based on the accumulated percentage completed of all stages and variations. === Billing Information === ^**Billed to Date**^ The total amount billed to date excluding outstanding retained amounts. ^**Retained**^ The total amount retained and not yet invoiced. ^**GST / Tax**^ The dollar tax amount payable on invoices raised to date (excluding outstanding retention). ^**Payments to Date**^ The total amount paid against invoiced. ^**Profit to Date**^ The amount billed to date less the accumulated actual cost to date.