===== Job Analysis 6.82 ===== {{:5000manual:5350contract_jobs:summary_job_anlysis686.png|}} This tab allows for a complete over view of your whole contract including: contract summary, Cash flow, billing information, Project Costs, budget, commitments, costs to date, cost to complete and profit. ==== Contract Summary ==== ^Original Value^ Represents the total amount quoted on this contract job. ^Approved Variations^ Variations on the contract that have been marked as approved. ^Current Value (Ex Tax)^ The sum of the original value and approved variations. ==== Cash Flow Summary ==== ^Cost To Date (Payments Made)^ All payments you have made on the overall cost on this contract. ^Payments Made^ Generates the total of how much the customer has paid off on this contract. ^Positive (Negative) Cash Flow^ This will inform you if the cash flow for this job. The total will either be positive or negative. There for the total will show if the contract has a negative cash flow or a positive. ==== Billing Information ==== ^Billed To Date^ This total generates the amount in a dollar figure of how much you have invoiced on this contract job. ^GST^ This is ten percent of the above “Billed To Date” total. ^Total Inc Tax^ This calculates the total of “Billed To Date” with the GST amount included. ^Less Payments To Date^ Current total amount of cash receipts received. ^Balance Outstanding^ The total amount that the customer is owing on this contract job to the current date. ^Balance To Be Invoiced (Ex Tax)^ The total amount that customer still needs to be invoiced for. ^Retained^ The total value of all retention of all invoices on this job. ^Include Unbilled Retention^ This option located at the top right hand corner of the Job Analysis allows you to include the retention total that has not been billed. ==== Budget ===== ^Original Budget^ The original total set for costs on the contract job. ^Variations^ The amount originally estimated the cost of all variations would be. ^Total Budget^ The total of the budget up to the current date. ^Commitments^ Displays the total amount dedicated towards commitments e.g. back orders. ==== Cost To Date ==== ^Materials + Contractors^ The total of parts used and time entered on this job up to this date will be shown here. ^Labour^ List all the labour costs on this contract up to the current date. ^Total Costs to Date^ The total of all cost on this contract up to this date. ==== Cost To Complete ==== ^Cost To Complete^ Generates the total cost left to complete the contract job. ^Cost To Complete (Inc Commitments)^ This generates the same total as above but also includes outstanding commitments as well. ^Over Run^ This field will let you know how much against your initial budget you have over run. ^Under Run^ Displays how much extra profit you have accumulated as a total price. ==== Profit ==== ^Profit To Date^ Displays your total profit up to this date. ^Profit %^ Displays the total amount of profit as a percentage against the total of your over all price and profit together. ^Budgeted Profit^ Gives you the estimated amount of profit on your contract job. ^Budgeted Profit %^ This is the total profit accumulated but in a percentage. It’s calculated against the cost and profit of the contract job. ^Budget Markup %^ Generates the percentage of a markup against the total of the whole contract job.