===== Stage ===== {{:5000manual:5350contract_jobs:stage686.png?600|Stages screen}} Job logging details such as Department, Priority, Status, Service Code and Employee can be recorded on this tab for each Stage on a Contract Job. Information specfic to stages includes: ^**Stage**^ The sequence number of the stage. Stages are usually numbered from 1 up but you can choose any numbering sequence you want. Use the arrow buttons to change the current stages number. ^**Stage Description**^ The title of the stage, just like the job name, allows for a general description of the work therein. The tick box on the right turns this field into a dropdown menu referencing Stage Description in [[:5000manual:5800utilities:5812codes|Codes setup]]. This allows standardisation of stage descriptions. ^**Commence By**^ The date that you expect to commence this stage of work. This time is used in Reports and Job Centre filtering ^**Commenced**^ When the work on the stage actually began. ^**Complete By**^ The date the stage is due to be completed. ^**Completed**^ The actual date that this stage was completed. Populating this field will set the % Completed equal to 100%. ^**Estimated duration**^ Scheduled job duration in hours. Like standard jobs, this and the Commenced By field will be populated using the settings defined on the Stages Priority Code, and are used to define the time and duration of the Stages Linked Primary Assignment (if enabled in [[:5000manual:5800utilities:5802setup:5820jobcards1|Setup]]). ^**Estimated Time**^ These two controls allow you to specify the expected duration of the work for this stage. The drop down menu contains a list of time units – hours, days, weeks, etc. ^**Stage Type**^ Categorise the type of stage for reporting purposes. Same as the Job Type field on standard Jobs. ^**Quoted Price**^ The total quoted sell price for the stage defined in the [[:5000manual:5350contract_jobs:5372costcentre|Cost Centres]]. ^**Estimated Cost**^ The total estimated cost of this stage defined in the [[:5000manual:5350contract_jobs:5372costcentre|Cost Centres]]. ^**Actual Cost**^ The actual cost of all [[:5000manual:5350contract_jobs:5376partsused|Materials]] and [[:5000manual:5350contract_jobs:5380time|Labour]] assigned to this stage and approved variations. ^**Approved Variation**^ The total sell price of all approved variations assigned to this stage. ^**Estimated Var Cost**^ The total estimated cost from Cost Centres linked to approved variations. ^**Actual Var Cost**^ The total actual cost or Parts and Labour for approved variations. ^**Total Price Inc Var**^ Total quoted price of all cost centres including approved variations. ^**Total Invoiced**^ The total value invoiced against this stage. This is only available if you have enabled applying contract invoices to stages / variations in the Contract Jobs Setup. ^**% Invoiced**^ The percentage of the stage total that has been invoiced out. This is only available if you have enabled applying contract invoices to stages / variations in the [[:5000manual:5800utilities:5802setup:5830contractjobs|Contract Jobs Setup]] screen. ^**% Completed**^ For a more accurate view on the progress of a stage, you can indicate the level of completion as a percentage. Entering a stage completed date always sets the stage completion percentage to 100%. The % Completed can also be automatically calculated from the stage data (Actual Costs/Estimated Cost) if configured in [[:5000manual:5800utilities:5802setup:5830contractjobs|Contract Jobs Setup]] screen. ^**Actual Stage Time (hrs)**^ The actual number of hours accumulated against the stage. ^**Actual Variation Time (hrs)**^ The actual number of hours accumulated against variations for the stage. ^**Stage Notes**^ A detailed description of the stage or any other details that you would like included with this stage. ^**Work Performed**^ This field would usually appear on any associated reporting, commanding the notes therein to be more formal and concise. In the end Stage Notes and Work performed are both memo fields and can be use interchangeably. There reason there are two is that Stage Notes can be used for internal recordkeeping, whilst Work Performed can be used to accommodate bills and work reports for customers. ^**Signature Location & Name**^ This field is used with TSM Remote where a Contract Job stage is treated as a separate job that can be signed off on by the customer. This field carries the image file of their signature.