===== Tasks ===== {{ :5000manual:5350contract_jobs:tasks.png?500|Tasks tab}} The Tasks tab for a stage is identical to Tasks on [[:5000manual:5200jobcards:5233tasks|Job Cards]]. Use the Tasks tab to view add and edit employee tasks associated with this job. {{:5000manual:5200jobcards:taskadd.png|}} Click to bring up the [[:5000manual:5800utilities:5872tasks|Task List]] window. Creating and clicking Save will place the task in the list for this job. {{:5000manual:5200jobcards:taskedit.png|}} Click to make changes to the selected task. {{:5000manual:5200jobcards:taskdel.png|}} Deletes the selected task. {{:5000manual:5200jobcards:taskunlink.png|}} Removes the employee from the selected task. {{:5000manual:5200jobcards:taskdrop.png|}} Filters the grid to display only complete, incomplete or both types of tasks. A task is considered complete when is has a date and time specified in the Completed field.