===== Processing Time Sheets ===== Under normal circumstances, new time sheet entries should be able to be entered and printed out using a date range (i.e. all time sheet entries for last week). However, in many cases this is not accurate. Take for instance the situation where you bill your time based on time sheet reports. You print out the time sheet report for last week and then invoice out these time sheets by raising manual invoices in your accounting package. Now let’s say that one month has passed and a time sheet entry comes in for that same week period that has already been invoiced. This time sheet entry can easily be overlooked for billing / reporting purposes. What you really want to do is ask a different question. Rather than say what time sheet entries came in last week, you should ask ‘what are the new (unprocessed) time sheet entries?’ TSM has a handy feature allowing you to print or display only new time sheets. By new we mean that they are time sheets that have been added after the last time you processed new entries. Clicking on the New check box on the Time Sheets module screen will filter out all the time sheets that were already processed displaying only new unprocessed entries. To process new entries you click on the Process New button. This marks all unprocessed time sheet entries displayed as being processed. For example, you could select John Smith's Employee ID and check the New button and then print out all his new time sheets. Pressing Process New will mark all the selected time sheets as being processed. Now, the next time you access the time sheets for John Smith and check the New option, only those time sheets that you added after the previously processed time sheets will appear.