===== Options ===== [{{ :5000manual:5550job_centre:options.png?150|Options tab}}] ^**Job Type**^ Select whether you want to display Job Cards or Stages / Variations. Due to the different nature of jobs and stages/ variations, they can not be displayed at the same time. ^**Assigned Employee**^ Restricts the Job Centre list to only those jobs where the selected Employee ID is assigned to the matching jobs as the Primary Assignment. ^**Primary Job Employee**^ Filters the Job list to display only jobs where the selected Employee is set as the Employee on the [[:5000manual:5200jobcards:5210joblogging|Job Logging]] tab. ^**Sort By**^ To effectively use the Job Centre, you should sort the jobs into a meaningful order. Choose Ascending or Descending to determine whether the sort is from top to bottom or bottom to top. ^**Escalation Colour**^ Selected from the Sort by field, Escalation Colour Sorts the job list by colour corresponding to the job due time ^**Escalation Colours Displayed**^ Different jobs are displayed in different colours in the Job Centre browser. TSM uses colour to inform you of the time until any job is due to commence. *Green - Non-commenced Jobs for today falling within Escalation Time 1 *Yellow - Non-commenced Jobs for today falling within Escalation Time 2 *Magenta - Non-commenced Jobs for today falling within Escalation Time 3 *Red - Non-commenced jobs for today that are overdue plus non commenced jobs from prior days (if the above red option is selected in setup) *Grey - GreIncomplete jobs from prior days (if the below green option is selected) *Blue - Incomplete jobs due in the future *White - Commenced or completed jobs ^**Include which assignments**^ In order to better manage the dispatching of jobs, you might want to look at just those jobs that have or do not have assignments from the Visual Scheduler scheduled for today. For example, it would be very convenient to see all jobs due today that have no assignments so that you can create those assignment. This is especially useful if you schedule job start dates into the future without actually assigning the employees at the time. *Assignments for today - Display all matching jobs that have assignments scheduled for today. *No Assignments for today - Display all matching jobs that do not have any assignments scheduled for today. *All - Show all matching jobs regardless of assignments. *Unassigned - Show all jobs with no assignments *No future Assignments - Show all jobs with no future assignments ^**Due Time To**^ Also selected fromthe Sort By dropdown, this will sort the Job Centre by the number of minutes until the Job Due time Include which Jobs? *Job Cards Only - Display Job Cards only *Contract Jobs Only - Display Contract Jobs only *Both - Display Job Cards and Contract Jobs **Note**: This option is only available if the Job Type of Job Cards is selected. **Tip**: Use the Job Centre filtered to display jobs with no assignments to drag and drop their job numbers into the Visual Scheduler as a quick way of creating assignments for them. ^**Job Start Time Range**^ Select the earliest / latest time the Job Card is to commence. Any Jobs or Stages / Variations falling outside of this range will be excluded. ^**Display Colours**^ Selecting Display Colours will show rows in their respective Job / Stage Status colours. This makes it easy to draw your attention to jobs of a particular status. See [[5000manual:5800utilities:5812codes|Code Maintenance]] for the setup of colours. **Note**: This option is only available if Sort by Escalation Colour is not selected.