===== Columns ===== [{{ :5000manual:5550job_centre:columns.png?150|Columns dialogue}}] Press the Columns buttonto choose which columns you want to display in the Job Centre. Each user can choose their own personalised set of displayed columns. Thus, someone in job dispatch would have operational columns displayed, whereas someone in management might display more financial information. Additionally, the columns displayed when viewing Job Cards can be different from the columns displayed when viewing Stages / Variations (i.e. you might display stage information for Contract Jobs). ^**Available Fields**^ The list of all fields available for selection to display excluding any fields already selected. ^**Selected Fields**^ The list of fields selected for display. ^**Field Selection buttons**^ {{:5000manual:5550job_centre:image017.gif|}}Select the highlighted field from the Available fields column. {{:5000manual:5550job_centre:image018.gif|}}Select all fields from the Available fields column. {{:5000manual:5550job_centre:image019.gif|}}Un-Select the highlighted field from the Selected fields column. {{:5000manual:5550job_centre:image020.gif|}}Unselect all fields from the Selected fields column. **Note**: Doing this will reset columns to their default layout. {{:5000manual:5550job_centre:image021.gif|}}Save the changes to the selected column layout. {{:5000manual:5550job_centre:image022.gif|}}Cancel changes to the selected column layout and revert to the previous layout. ^**Employee**^ Choose any employee from the list to set your column layout to match theirs. Use this to easily copy a standard column layout to multiple users.