===== Supplier Invoice ===== {{ :5000manual:5700purchase_orders:supplier_invoice686.png?300|Supplier Invoice tab}} When you purchase products from suppliers, you will receive an invoice from them detailing your order. These supplier invoices can be generated when receiving parts, by using the Receive Invoices dialogue, or manually added by pressing Add S.Inv on this tab. Existing invoices can also be edited or deleted using the relevant buttons. The following information is recorded for each supplier invoice: ^**Supplier**^ The supplier the invoice came from. ^**Invoice#**^ Enter the supplier invoice number. In TSM these need to be unique for each supplier, but not globally. ^**Invoice Date**^ Enter the date the supplier raised this invoice. ^**Reference**^ Enter a reference for reporting purposes. ^**Ship Via**^ The method of shipment eg. post, courier etc., which comes from the PO details by default, but can be overwritten. ^**Region**^ Used for reporting purposes - comes from the PO details by default, but can be overwritten. ^**Exp. Acc.#**^ Specify an expense account to record the supplier invoice against. Only available if the accounting link is enabled. ^**Due Date**^ Date the supplier invoice must be paid by. ^**Department**^ Enter a department that this supplier invoice for. ^**Sales Analysis**^ Used for categorisation and reporting. ^**Tax Code**^ Determines the tax rate applied to the supplier invoice. ^**Freight**^ The amount charged for delivery costs. ^**GST**^ The amount of tax owed on this invoice. ^**Total**^ The total tax exclusive price of the supplier invoice. ^**Post**^ Check this box to have the supplier invoice post to an accounting package if setup. ^**Show**^ You have 3 options when viewing Supplier Invoices: *All Supplier Invoices - Display all supplier invoices in TSM. *Invoices for this order - Display all supplier invoices linked to the selected Purchase Order. *Invoices for this supplier - Display all supplier invoices for the Bill To Supplier of the selected Purchase Order. **Tip**: When the Supplier Invoice page is selected, press the Print button on the toolbar. You will then get a report of all visible supplier invoices.