===== Add/Edit Order Items ===== {{ :5000manual:5700purchase_orders:add_edite_po_item686.png?300||PO Items Ordered screen}} On the [[:5000manual:5700purchase_orders:5710orderitems|Order Items]] tab press the Add Items button to add an item to the PO, or the Edit Item button to change any details of the selected ordered item. Pressing either of these will bring up the PO Items Ordered window. Order items can also be automatically created using the Alloc Q. Parts button on [[:5000manual:5200jobcards:5230jobdetails|Job Cards]], or using the [[:5000manual:5100products:5128reorder|Reorder]] module. Order item information includes: ^**Job Number**^ Whenever stock is ordered you can choose to order stock for specific job cards. Enter the Job Card number of the Job to receive stock directly into. Leave the Job Card number blank if ordering items for stock. **Note**: If you entered the Purchase Order module from within a Job Card, the Job Card number will default to the Job Card you entered from. **Note**: You can not change the Job Card number if you entered a Job Card number on the top of the Purchase order or the part has already been received. ^**Product ID**^ Enter the Product ID of the item you are ordering. You can use the Search button to display a list of available items. If the item you want to purchase does not exist, you can choose to add it into the Product database or press Cancel to order it without adding it. **Note**: Any items ordered that do not exist in your Product database will be automatically added when you receive the items into Stock. **Note **: You will be warned if you order an item from a supplier who is not the usual supplier of the item as set up in [[:5000manual:5100products:5100products|Product Maintenance]]. ^**Description**^ The description of the item being ordered. You may change the standard description by entering your own here or accept the standard item description. ^**Location**^ The inventory location that items will be ordered into. Only available if multi-location inventory is enabled. ^**Site ID**^ For your own internal purposes, you can identify different sites that each item has been ordered for. Will be set to the Job site if a Job # is specified. ^**Reference**^ A text field for reporting purposes. ^**Employee ID**^ The employee this part is assigned to. ^**Income Account #**^ Income account number to assign to this part when ordered for a job card. Leave this blank to use default values. **Note**: This and the following 2 fields are only available when TSM is linked to an accounting package ^**Inventory Asset Account**^ Purchase Order Inventory Asset Account number to assign to this part when linked to an accounting package. The inventory value in this account will increase when this item is received into stock. (Only available when TSM is linked to an accounting package). ^**Cost Of Goods Sold Account #**^ The cost of goods sold account which will be adjusted when the item is on sold on a job card. (Only available when TSM is linked to an accounting package). ^**PUOM**^ The unit of measure the item is purchased at. For example setting a UOM code which has a purchasing multiplier of 10 will multiply the qty received into inventory by 10, and divide the cost by 10 (i.e. You order 1 and receive 10). UOM can only be used when receiving directly into stock, and only set when first creating the order item. ^**Stock control options**^ Any items ordered for Job Cards will initially be entered into stock, update your on-hand levels and average stock cost, and then immediately be taken out of stock and placed on the Job Card it was ordered for. Sometimes however, this is not desirable. Selecting “bypass inventory” will put the item directly onto the Job Card and not update stock at all. For example, there are 2 items in stock with an average cost of $105 each (total inventory value of $210). If I receive an additional item under warranty with a zero cost price into stock, then the total inventory value will still be $210 but there will now be 3 items in stock so the average unit cost will drop to $70 each. When I then take the warranty item out of stock and place it onto the Job Card, 2 problems will occur. Firstly, if you are using the Average Costing method, the cost price of the warranty item on the Job Card will be $70 rather than the $0.00 and secondly, you will be left with 2 units in stock with an average price of $70 rather than $105 as it should perhaps be. The above example illustrates a situation which is obviously wrong under some situations. By Assigning the Cost to the Job and Bypassing Inventory, the warranty item is placed directly onto the Job card with a zero cost and the inventory is left with 2 units @ $105 average cost each. The items can also be received into stock and marked as committed for a particular job. **Note**: This field will be disabled is the item is not attached to a job, implying that it is to be received into stock. ^**Stock**^ This tick box will appear between the job number and the stock control fields if a job number has been entered onto the purchase order, signifying that its items are meant either for that job or for stock. Ticking this option and pressing Save will mark the item to be received into stock and will blank out the job number and disable the stock control dropdown. ^**Required Date**^ The date the items are required to be received. This will default to the Purchase Order required date but can be varied for each item. This is useful if you need to stagger deliveries over a period of time. ^**ETA**^ The estimated date the item is expected to arrive. ^**Tax Code**^ The tax code representing the percentage of tax payable on this item. ^**Stage / Variation**^ Any Parts ordered that are linked to a Contract Job must specify the Stage and Variation the used part applies to. **Note**: Only applicable for Contract Jobs and will be disabled, otherwise. ^**Cost Centre**^ The Cost Centre that the item ordered cost and sell price will accumulate against. **Note**: If the Job the item is linked to is a Contract Job, you can choose any Cost Centre that you have already estimated for the selected Stage / Variation. ^**Sales Analysis**^ Used for reporting purposes. ^**Received Date**^ The date this item was received. ^**Quantity**^ The quantity of the item being ordered. Entering a negative quantity will treat the item as a return to Supplier. ^**Cost Price**^ The estimated cost price of the item being purchased. This can be confirmed or changed later when the actual supplier invoice arrives, perhaps some time after the goods are received.. ^**Cost Discount %**^ The percentage to discount the cost price by. ^**Markup %**^ If you are ordering parts for a Job Card, you can determine the price you will be charging the contact. The Markup % is used to markup the cost price in order to calculate a sell price. If the item being purchased is a non-stock item, the markup % will default to the Purchase Order non-stock Markup %. **Note**: This and the following two fields are only available if the item is being ordered for a Job Card. ^**Sell Price**^ The price you will charge the contact for the items ordered. If a markup has been entered for a part, the sell price will default to the Cost price plus the markup. Otherwise, the sell price will default to the customer’s default sell price as set in Product Maintenance. ^**Sell Discount %**^ Any discount you wish to apply to the sell price for the contact. This will default to the contact’s discount if any has been entered in Contact Maintenance. ^**Discounted Cost**^ The discounted cost of the item. ^**Tax %**^ The percentage of tax being charged for this item. ^**Total ex Tax**^ The total value of this item being purchased excluding tax. ^**Tax Amount**^ The total value of tax. ^**Total inc Tax**^ The total value of this item being purchased including tax. ^**Nett Sell Price (ex Tax)**^ The sell price per item after discounts have been applied.