===== Product Reports ===== {{ :5000manual:5750reports:product_report686.png?350|Product Reports}} The Product Reports allow you to print lists of inventory, price lists and parts used. ^**Job Costing Method**^ Select which costing method this job requires, Average, Fixed, Last. This will affect the various costing figures that appear on Job Card reports. This defaults to your default Job Costing method as configured in the TSM Setup. ^**Report Type**^ Selects which type of product report to create. The options are: *Parts List - Generate reports based on the current stock in hand. *Parts Used - Parts that have actually been used on Job Cards. *Re-order - Reports on products and their reorder status. *Location - Print a report of individual stock levels at each inventory location. (Only available if multi-location inventory control is enabled). *Transfers - Reports on all movements of products. *BOM / Kits - Display a listing of bill of Materials, Kits and Assemblies. ^**Which Records**^ Selects which records to display, dependent on the Report Type: **Re-order** *All - Include all parts. *Reorder level # 0 - Includes only those parts whose reorder level has been set. This allows you to include only those parts you usually order from suppliers while excluding those you do not. *Reorder due - Include only those parts whose on-hand quantity has dropped below the reorder level. **Location** *All - Include all stock locations. *On-hand > 0 - Include only those locations whose on-hand quantity is greater than zero *On-hand # 0 - Include only those locations where the on-hand quantity is not zero. *On-hand < 0 - Include only those locations whose on-hand quantity is less than zero **Transfers** *All - All inventory transfers. *Receipts - All parts received into stock (excluding Purchase Ordered parts). *Issues - All parts issued from stock (excluding parts used on Job Cards) *Transfer - All parts transferred between inventory locations (only available if Multi-Location inventory control is active). *Qty Change - All Physical quantity changes to stock ^**Job Card Type**^ If reporting on Parts used you can choose whether to display parts used on Jobs, Contract Jobs or Both. ^**Quoted Parts**^ If reporting on Parts used you can choose whether to exclude Quoted Parts, display only Quoted Parts or print Both. Product Reports includes some special field names: ^**Non-Stock Only**^ Limit output to only those parts marked as Non-Stock in the Product Maintenance screen. Use this option to print a list of the spare parts you regularly use. This option is available as a special Field Name ^**Stock Only**^ Limit output to only those parts NOT marked as Non-Stock in the Product Maintenance screen. Use this option to print a list of the spare parts you regularly use. This option is available as a special Field Name ^**Exclude Misc Parts**^ Exclude any parts that do not actually exist in the Product Database. ^**Misc Parts Only**^ Include only parts that do not actually exist in the Product Database.