===== Contract Jobs ===== ^**Contract Job Numbering**^ New Contract Job Card Numbers can either be automatically assigned by TSM or manually assigned by the user. ^**Next Contract Job #**^ TSM allows you to optionally set a different range of job numbers for Contract Jobs from regular job cards. If you want to enable separate Contract Job numbering, enter the next available Contract Job Number to use. Leaving this zero will use the Next Job Card job number. ^**Default Retention % / Days**^ The default retention rate for new Contract Jobs and the default number of days the retention is valid for. ^**Default Material Markup %**^ The default materials markup as a percentage on cost for parts used on Contract jobs. ^**Labour Change Rate $**^ The default fixed hourly labour rate charged on contract jobs. ^**Charge Labour as Employee Cost X %**^ This field allows you to charge labour cost as a percentage of the employee hourly cost when charging labour on Contract Jobs. ^**Default Material Cost Centre**^ Select the default cost centre to assign to materials used on Contract Jobs. ^**Default Labour Cost Centre**^ Select the default cost centre to assign to labour used on Contract Jobs. ^**Invoice Total Due By % complete / Total Estimated Price**^ Select whether the amount calculated as due for invoicing on a Contract Job will be based on the percentage of the job completed or the total estimated contract price. ^**Age Retention From Invoice date / Completion date**^ You can specify when you want to start to age retained invoice amounts. They can be aged from when the invoice the retention relates to is created or when the job is entire job is completed. ^**Import Estimates**^ TSM supports the importing of estimates from the Espro estimating software package. To Import Stages from Espro, firstly generate the TSM output file from Espro. See the Espro documentation for information on doing this. Press the Import Stages button on the Cost Details tab of the Contract Job module and select the Espro TSM file to import. The Espro import performs the following functions: -Stages are created in the Contract Job for each Stage in the imported file. Fields updated include: -Stage Description -Estimated time -Stage Cost Centres are applied to the stages created. Information includes: -Cost Centre -Estimated Cost -Quoted Price -Materials are loaded from Espro as Quoted Parts. Information includes -Part Number -Description -Cost -Manufacturer -Quoted labour is loaded as a quoted part called LABOUR. -Subcontractors time is loaded as a quoted part of SUBCONTRACTOR. ^**Automatically calculate stage completion percentage**^ TSM can automatically calculate the percentage each stage is completed by comparing the estimated costs with the accumulated actual costs to date. Check this option to enable automatic completion percentage calculations. If you uncheck this option, you can manually assign percentage completion for each stage. ^**Apply contract invoices to stages / variations**^ You have the option to link Contract Job Invoices to specific Stages & Variations or to have them link only to the contract as a whole. If you decide to link contract invoices to stages & variations then you will be forced to disburse the entire value of the invoice against stages or variations. If not then you can break the invoice up into small commented amounts but will not be able to link them to stages / variations. **Note**: This setting is system wide and can not be changed for individual invoices. ^**Restrict cost centres on parts used to existing cost centres**^ This option determines wether the list of cost centres available when adding parts to a contract job stage / variation should be restricted to the list of cost centres already estimated for the given stage or variation. ^**Automatically add job on startup**^ This option will automatically add a job whenever the Contract Job module is started from the menu. ^**Additional Expenses Cost Centres**^ Contract job timesheet overheads can be assigned to cost centres using these drop-downs.