===== Purchase Orders ===== ^**Order Numbering**^ Choose whether Purchase Order number for new orders will be added manually by you or whether TSM will assign the next sequential order number. Manual order numbering gives you control over the job number allocation, whereas, automatic order numbering delegates this task to TSM which uses the Next Order # field as a starting point of reference. **Note**: Even is you select manual numbering, TSM will assign the next sequential order number if you do not enter an order number when adding new purchase orders. ^**Next Order #**^ The next available purchase order number used to determine the next Order Number for automatically numbered purchase orders. By changing the Purchase Order number, the next number to appear on the Purchase Order will be the next number you choose. **Hint**: When starting TSM for the first time, set this to synchronise with your existing purchase order numbers. ^**Order Number Prefix**^ Optional prefix to place before new order numbers. ^**Calculate the Sell price from markup of the Standard Cost / Discounted Cost**^ If an ordered item is linked to a Job Card, then you will normally assign that item a Sell Price at the time you order the item. Additionally, if you entered a markup, the Sell Price will be the cost plus the markup. If you markup the cost price, should TSM calculate the markup on the Standard Cost Price or the Discounted PO Cost Price. ^**On adding items to PO use Order or setup tax code / Item tax code**^ Each item added to a Purchase Order has its own tax code. By default, this tax code will either default to the Order Tax code (or the Setup default tax code if not entered with the order) or the Item tax code as defined in Inventory maintenance depending on the option selected here. ^**Tax on Freight**^ When making a purchase order, indicate whether freight charges include tax or not. If tax is included in freight costs then select Freight Includes Tax, otherwise, you will need to charge the GST on top of the freight with the Charge Tax on Freight. ^**Permit ordering of grouped items**^ Grouped inventory items are special items made up of a list of other items. There are 3 options available: ^**Never**^ Do not allow ordering of grouped items. ^**Supplier’ components**^ Automatically explode only the PO supplier’s components onto the purchase order. ^**All components**^ Explode all components onto the purchase order whether they are sourced from the PO supplier or not. ^**Default Department**^ The default department settings for Purchase Orders, if no department is specified on the Supplier record. ^**PO Receipt Options**^ These options apply to items being received where a job number is selected against the item, and the setup option for Active Job Card Receive is enabled. There are 3 choices: ^**Receive to Inventory**^ The item will be received into the inventory and then moved to the job. This will have the affect of recalculating the average cost of the item being received. The sell price will also be updated to match the sell price according to the product maintenance module for the job customers selected markup level. ^**Assign actual purchase cost to job and bypass inventory**^ The item will be received directly onto the job and will not be put into inventory. The result of this is that the receipt of this item will not affect the average cost of the item. ^**Receive as committed stock**^ Receives this item in as committed to this job. The item will not be placed on the job until the commitment has been applied. See “Committed Stock (chapter number)” for more detail. ^**Default Ship To Address**^ The default delivery address for new Purchase Order. ^**Cost Method for Purchasing Fixed/Last**^ Determines where the product costs will be taken from when adding items to a purchase order. ^**Summarise PO Product ID**^ Default Prod ID to use when Summarising Purchase Order receipts linked to Job Cards. ^**PO Email Subject**^ The email subject for email sent from the Purchase Order module. By default, this field is set to: “Purchase Order #” + ALLTRIM(Orders.orderno) This can be changed to anything you want using dBase code, although it is recommended that you seek the advice of your TSM Consultant or Technical Support prior. ^**Active Job Card Receive**^ With this option enabled, any parts ordered which have a job number noted against them, will be applied to the job when the parts are received. With this option disabled, even if the part has a job number against it, the part will be received into stock for the location selected on the add item page for that part. This option allows for a process of receiving the parts which have been ordered for a job into a warehouse, and then manually adding them to the job at a later stage and implies that the operator is to ensure the correct number of parts has been added to the job once they have been received. ^**Print Job Card # on Order**^ Select this option if you want the Job Card number to be printed as reference on Purchase Orders. ^**Print Supplier Part # on Order**^ Will automatically print the supplier part number on the purchase order if the item ordered has a supplier part number entered in Product Maintenance. ^**Allow Multiple Jobs on an Order**^ This option will allow you to order parts for more than one job on a single purchase order. This option is disabled if departmentalised PO’s is enabled. ^**Print Stock Label on PO Receive**^ Select this if you want a product label to be printed when items ordered for stock are received. ^**Print Label for goods attached to Job Cards**^ Select this if you want a product label to be printed for any items received that are ordered for Job Cards. ^**PO Item Cost Include Tax**^ Select this to enter / display amounts inclusive of tax by default. ^**Compulsory Payment Terms**^ Should PO Payment terms be made compulsory. ^**Departmentalise PO’s**^ Do you want to departmentalise Purchase Orders? If selected, PO's are limited to 1 job card only. ^**Warn if no job number assigned to an item**^ In a case where no PO items should be ordered without a job number specified, this option may be useful. A warning will pop up when saving a Purchase Order Item. ^**Receive items for completed stages**^ This option determines if PO Items can be received for completed Contract Job stages. ^**Recalculate marked up inventory sell prices on PO Receipts**^ Should items received recalculate the corresponding inventory sell price based on the inventory markup percentage. ^**Update non-marked up inventory sell prices on PO Receipts**^ Update Price 1 with the non-discounted PO sell price if not linked to a job, otherwise update the price associated with the Job Customer price level. ^**Summarise the PO Receipts**^ If you have received a number of items in for a particular job card, check this option to add a single item to a job card summarising the total cost and sell of all items received. ^**Force Invoice Number on PO Receipts**^ Only allow receipting of items if the supplier invoice number is entered. ^**Emailing PO sets printed date**^ Should the Purchase Order printed date be set if the Purchase Order is emailed to the supplier. ^**Automatically add PO when entering PO screen**^ Automatically press the New button when opening the PO screen for the first time. ^**Accumulate freight on Purchase Order receipts to order freight total**^ Add any freight entered when receiving items to the Purchase Order freight total. ^**Post PO Receipts to Accounting Program**^ Should Purchase Order receipts be posted to the Accounting Package of choice by default. **Note**: This option is only available if Accounting Integration is enabled and will display the name of the accounting package to post to. ^**Compulsory Region field**^ Makes the region field to be compulsory. ^**Compulsory Department field**^ Makes the department field to be compulsory. ^**Default Orders Printer**^ Set up the default printer TSM will use for the printing of purchase orders. This will resort to the printer set up in General if left blank. ^**Default price level for Stock order sell price**^ The default price to assign to parts ordered for stock. ^**Default Inventory Asset Account**^ Specifies the default Inventory Asset Account to use for Purchase Order Receipts. Available only if linked to a suitable accounting package. ^**Default COGS Account**^ The COGS account to use for PO Receipts. Available only if linked to a suitable accounting package.