===== Email ===== Use this option to send an email to anyone you want. If a MIME compliant emailing option has been selected in Miscellaneous Setup, the new message window of whichever default email client you are using will be displayed. If formatting and other trappings are important, it is suggested that the more versatile MIME form is used. TSM does not aim to replicate all that functionality in its own email client, however if a basic text email with a few attachments needs to be sent quickly the TSM Email client will be useful. Aside from the fields one would usually expect to see on an email form, TSM displays the following controls: ^**Attachments**^ A comma-separated list of paths to attached documents. If the path is incorrect, it will be ignored and the email sent with no further warning. ^**Launch**^ Launches the viewing application for whichever file is specified in the attachments field. This will work if only one file is specified. The user will have to make sure the file’s path is correct for the attachment functionality to work. ^**Plain Text/HTML**^ Tags the email as a plain text or an HTML email. ^**Clear**^ Clears the text out of the body of the email. ^**Text/HTML tabs**^ HTML tags can be used in the body of the email and switching to the HTML tab will reveal the formatting thus applied.