===Job Cards=== ^**Job Cards**^ {{ :5000manual:5800utilities:5860security:security_jobcard686.png |}} Tick the required option to allow the employees in the Security Group to access these functions: | Job Cards | This must be ticked to access any of the Job Card functions.| | Contract Jobs | This must be ticked to access any of the Contract Job functions.| | Add | Add new Job Cards / Contract Jobs.| | Edit | Make changes to existing Job Cards / Contract Jobs.| | Delete | Delete Job Cards / Contract Jobs. | | Job Details | Display the Job Details page.| | Complete Job Card | Complete a job. This changes the Job Status to COMPLETED and assigns a Completed Date.| | Complete Contract Job | Complete a Contract job. Assign a Completed Date to complete the contract job.| | Create / Print Invoices | Invoice a Job / print Job invoices.| | Edit Job Notes | Change the Job Notes on a job.| | Add Job Notes | Add new Job Notes to a job.| | View Job Audit Trail | View a job's audit trail by right clicking on the Job Notes button.| | Update Quotes | Update quoted job details.| | Show Costs | Show cost prices on parts used and job profitability on invoice page.| | Ignore Minumin Margin | Ignore the check for minumin margin when a job is completed. Minumin margin is determined by the Service Code.| | Add Parts Used | Add parts used to a job.| | Edit Parts Used | Edit parts used on a job.| | Delete Parts Used | Delete parts used from a job.| | Edit completed jobs | Make changes to completed jobs.| | Edit invoiced jobs | Make changes to invoiced jobs (excluding financial information).| | Edit financial info on invoiced jobs| Make changes that affect financial information on invoiced jobs.| | Delete zero balance invoices| Delete invoices that have a zero balance.| | Delete unpaid invoices | Delete invoices that have not had any payments made against them.| | Edit the Logged By field | Make changes to the Logged By field.| | Complete Jobs with open orders| Allow jobs with open purchase orders to be completed.| | Edit the Invoiced Date | Change the invoice date.| | Edit Billable / Unbillable| Change a Job to Billable or Unbillable.| | Convert to Contract Jobs | Allow regular jobs to be converted to Contract jobs.| | Change the Department Code| Allow the Department Code to be changed once set.| | Delete Cont.Job Stages. Cost Centre, etc| Allow deletion of a Contract Job stage, cost centre and anything related to it.| | Edit Scheduled Job Rollover Date| When rolling over a scheduled job, allow the rollover date to be changed.| | View sensitive financial information| Show sensitive financial information, eg profitability.| | Edit/Delete invoiced parts / time used| Change or delete Time or Parts Used on a job after it has been invoiced.| | Enable Actual Parts on POS Invoices| Allow entry of Actual parts on POS invoices or restrict entry to Quoted parts.| * Select All/Deselect All - Click on this to tick/untick all options on this page.