===General=== ^**General**^ {{ :5000manual:5800utilities:5860security:general686.png |General}} Tick the required option to allow the employees in the Security Group to access these functions: | Audit Trails | | | Setup | TSM Setup screens. Options in Setup screens determine how your TSM will function.| | Codes Setup | Add, maintain and delete Codes within TSM. If this is not ticked, Codes Setup cannot be accessed by right-clicking in any codes field.| | Maintain Data Dictionary | Set up user-specific field labels. This enables renaming of field labels to something more meaningful.| | Reindex | Reindex and pack data files. A backup should be performed prior to running the Reindex.| | Backup Data | Access the Backup/Resore screen to backup data and optionally, reports & labels, images files used on reports & labels and TSM.EXE.| | Restore Data | Access the Backup/Resore screen to restore data from a previous backup file.| | Send backup to TSM Support| Send a backup of your TSM to TSM support.| | Update Totals | Update totals in TSM data files.| | Edit Info Centre | | | Security | Add, maintain and delete settings for security groups.| | User Fields | Add user defined fields to TSM tables which can be used to store additional data not already defined in TSM.| | Logout Users | Forced logout of users in TSM.| | Update Postcode | Update the POstcode / Zip table.| | Purge | Purge TSM data files.| | Import Data | Import Customers and Products into TSM.| | End of Day | Run End of Day process.| | Update TSM | Update TSM to the latest version of the software.| * General - Click on this to tick/untick all options on this page.