===== The Menu Bar ===== The Menu Bar on the bottom of any form provides shortcut actions relevant to the form being displayed. The Job Centre provides three menus which include Application, Job and Sync. {{:5000manual:5900misc:5917remotepda:image015.png|}}{{:5000manual:5900misc:5917remotepda:image019.png|}}{{:5000manual:5900misc:5917remotepda:image021.png|}} ==== The Application Drop Down Menu ==== == About TSM Remote == This will bring you to a table which shows the currently logged in user and the current version of TSM Remote that you are using. == View All Assignments == Shows a list of all assignments, The Job number, Employee, Time/Date, and Completed Date. == Update Application == Will update you to the latest version of TSM Remote if an update is available. == Log Out == Will log out the currently logged in users and return you to the Login in Screen. Exit: This will close the TSM Remote application down entirely. ==== The Job Drop Down Menu ==== == New == Selecting this will give you an option for either creating a new job or a new quote. == Open == Opens the currently selected job. == Accept == Accepts a job and changes the Job Status to the assigned status. == Reject == Changes the Job Status to the Rejected Status. == Delete == Delete the selected job card. You can only delete jobs that have a temporary job number. Quick Time === The Sync Drop Down Menu === The Sync Menu contains the options Go Online and Sync: All, Jobs and Support Files. == All == Select this option whenever you want to retrieve information or send changed information that includes TSM remote users, products, contacts and jobs from and to TSM. == Jobs == Syncs Jobs only == Support Files == Syncs Support Files only == Going Online == TSM Remote Users have the ability to Go Online. Going online allows TSM Remote to sync with TSM. === Steps to Go Online with TSM Remote === - Select the drop down menu Sync. The menu will drop down. - Press the option “Go Online”. TSM Remote will appear with a loading screen. When the PDA is online the option Go Online will be greyed and The Syncing options All, Jobs and Support Files will be available. === Syncing All, Jobs and Support Files === Syncing TSM updates the TSM directory with information updated in TSM. To Sync TSM Remote the TSM Remote User must be online. When TSM Remote is synced the jobs with a default job number {x} will be assigned a job number and the current date. == Steps to Sync TSM Remote == - Select the drop down menu Sync. The menu will drop down. - Press either option “All”, “Jobs” and “Support Files”. TSM Remote will sync with TSM. //John accessed the Sync Menu and Synced TSM Remote the data he had updated in TSM loaded into TSM Remote.//