===== Command Line Parameters ===== TSM accepts a number of command line parameters to control how TSM behaves. This ideal if you want to schedule backups, reindexes or a number of other procedures. Starting TSM with the ? parameter displays the list of available parameters: ^**ACTPOST**^ Start up the Accounting Interface (QuickBooks & MYOB). ^**AUTOCOMPLETE**^ "Cut-off Date" Automatically completes all incomplete jobs up to the cut off date. Use this to automatically complete any old jobs. For example, AUTOCOMPLETE “01/01/2007”. If you pass a date then that will be used as the date to complete jobs up to (based on the job date) otherwise today’s date will be used if no date is passed. ^**AVGCOST**^ Recalculate the inventory average cost of all inventory on hand ^**BACKUP**^ Backup TSM data files to the same location it was last saved to. ^**CHECK**^ Check data file structures and then perform a reindex if changes were detected. TSM will automatically check structures each time you update TSM to a new version. ^**COST**^ Reset the inventory last cost and average cost with the fixed cost. ^**GATEWAY**^ Start up the TSM Gateway program which is used for importing from various product list templates such as Tradelink and MYOB. ^**GETXML**^ Starts up the XML Processor in Interactive mode, which allows manipulation of incoming data. ^**GMLINK**^ Start up the GoldMine link program ^**GMPROC**^ Start up and process the GoldMine link program and then shut down TSM. This is useful if you process infrequently and would like to free up system resources when not in use. ^**HEATJOB**^ “CallID” Load a Heat job into TSM by passing the Heat CallID. TSM will automatically connect to Heat and load the job into TSM. ^**LOGIN**^ “UserID” “Password” Automatically login to TSM with the selected User ID and Password. For example ‘TSM LOGIN David MyPassword’ ^**MAKECARD**^ Automatically generates due Maintenance Jobs for the default date range. The equivalent of bringing up the Cards screen from the Maintenance module, clicking “Select All” and clicking “Process.” ^**ORDERS**^ Left align all purchase order numbers. ^**PROCXML**^ Loads the XML processor and process all data then shuts down automatically. ^**PROFILE**^ Starts the TSM profile at TSM startup. F12 disables it once the software loads. The profile is written to the file profile.log in the TSM directory, which overwrites any existing file of that name without a prompt. **Note**: Do not forget to disable the profiling process, as the size of profile.log will grow large very quickly. ^**REINDEX**^ Rebuild all TSM indexes. **Note**: The Fast Text Search is not reindexed from the command line. The user will have to initiate reindex from within TSM with the FTS option ticked. ^**RECALL**^ “Job Number” Recalls a previously deleted job number. This might be possible as long as you have not reindexed your data files with the Pack Data option. ^**Note**^: This will also bring back all items that were attached to the job and then deleted. These will have to be deleted again by the user to restore the job to the state it was in before it was deleted. ^**RECALLS**^ “Job Number” “Stage #” Automatically recalls a deleted stage for a designated contract job. ^**REPORTS**^ Automatically load the report scheduler, leaving it running to continuously poll for all users scheduled reports to print/email. ^**REPPROC**^ Automatically load the report scheduler, run any due reports for all users and then shut down the report scheduler. ^**RESET**^ Resets all saved individual user settings to default values. ^**RESTORE**^ Automatically restore from the last backup. ^**ROLLOVER**^ ”Cut-off Date” Automatically Roll Over all past schedules to the next schedule date after the cut off date. If no date is passed, Today’s date will be used. ^**SHUTDOWN**^ Logout all users from TSM with warning. ^**SHUTIMMEDIATE**^ Logout all users of TSM immediately (within 60 seconds). ^**TIMECOST**^ Update all time sheet entries that do not have a cost to the current cost of the time sheet employee. ^**TSMPALM**^ Start Up the TSMPalm program for synchronising with the Palm PDA ^**UPDATETOTALS**^ Automatically recalculate all TSM totals. **Note**: This function may result in unwanted effects upon your data. We advise that you consult TSM Support or your TSM Consultant before running it.