===== Job ===== ==== Service Requested ==== Above the Service requested you will see a list field allowing you to select from one of your predefined scripts. These scripts can save you from entering repetitive information. Scripts are configured in your back office TSM. Go to Utilities – Scripts and create some PDA only scripts. The Scripts field appears above each Memo field in TSM Remote. {{:7000tsm_remote:7100tsm_remote_user_guide:7010tsm_remote:7010servicerequest.png?450}} ==== Job Logging ==== This tab contains job logging information about the job: * Job Name * Job Date * Employee ID * Order Number * Priority * Department * Service Code * Job Status * Est.Duration * Job Type, Other 1, Other 2 {{:7000tsm_remote:7100tsm_remote_user_guide:7010tsm_remote:7010joblogging.png?450}} ==== Notes ==== From the Notes tab, you can save all notes for requested service. Similar to Service Request, you can also create a script from TSM and it will help you to enter note easily. {{:7000tsm_remote:7100tsm_remote_user_guide:7010tsm_remote:7010note.png?450}}