===== TSM Remote configuration ===== To set configuration settings for first time or changing afterwards open your browser and type following address. __/////tsmservice/login.aspx__ Or the address which you normally access to the configuration page {{:7000tsm_remote:7100tsm_remote_user_guide:7035configpage.png?500}} On the login screen enter the following values 1. TSM Data Path – Enter the path of the TSM directory on your system. e.g. C:\Program Files\TSM 2. User ID – Enter your TSM user ID 3. Password – Enter your TSM password 4. And click login You will see six links each one will have different settings. * Compact List Config * List Config * Maintenance * Support Files * Logo Settings * Manage Conflicts ==== Compact List Config ==== Compact List Config is used to control the view of compact list as follow: {{:7000tsm_remote:7100tsm_remote_user_guide:7035compactlist.png?450}} This setting will control the available fields in the compact list. - PDA List – Here you can select which list you want to configure. - After selecting PDA List you will see values in both available columns and visible column text boxes. - You can choose which columns you want to make visible by using the arrows between two text boxes. - You can also use “up” and “down” buttons to move your columns in available columns text box. - You can also change the name of column. Select column type a name in update text box and click update. - Click save button after you changed your List Config settings. {{:7000tsm_remote:7100tsm_remote_user_guide:7035compactlistconfig.png?500}} ==== List Config ==== List Config is used to control the view of job list as follow: {{:7000tsm_remote:7100tsm_remote_user_guide:7035listconfig.png?450}} - PDA List – Here you can select which list you want to configure. - After selecting PDA List you will see values in both available columns and visible column text boxes. - You can choose which columns you want to make visible by using the arrows between two text boxes. - You can also use “up” and “down” buttons to move your columns in available columns text box. - You can also change the name of column. Select column type a name in update text box and click update. - Click save button after you changed your List Config settings. ==== Maintenance ==== === TSM Path === |^TSM Data Path^|This field will show you what data path you entered in login screen.| |^TSM Remote Server Path^|This field will show you the location of TSM Remote virtual directory.| === Signature Statements === |^Signature Text Customer^|This filed will display under customer’s signature on TSM Remote| |^Signature Text Employee^|This filed will display under employee’s signature on TSM Remote| === Rules === |^No of Days in past^|Defines the number of days prior (before and future) to today to display completed jobs. You should keep this as low as possible to minimize the volume of data sent to TSM Remote.| |^No of Days in future^|:::| === PDA Settings === |^Default Equipment^|Default equipment name while searching a new equipment| |^Password Required^|Login password will be required if this option is checked| |^Ignore Conflicts^|Ignore the data conflict while data updating| |^QuickTime Only^|Forces the user to enter time via the Quick Time screen only. The Time tab will no longer allow you to add, edit or delete time entries. Useful if you want to force your technicians to use the clock to log their time| |^Check List Warning on Complete^|Select this option if you want a warning when completing a job if any checklist| |^Append to Work Performed^|New work perform will be appended to previous work perform if this option is checked| |^Set Completion Date^|Select this if you want to set completion date| |^Job Complete on Signature^|Select this option if you need to take signature before completing a job| |^Auto Accept Job^|Jobs can have an acceptance function applied to them. When this option is not selected, a job must be accepted before it can be worked on. The acceptance screen displays any OH&S checklists assigned to the job and asks you to press the Accept button to accept the job or the Reject button to reject the job| |^Set Comm. Time to Accepted^|Commenced time will be set as the time when accept the job| |^Customer Search to Include Only Customers in the Same Service Area as TSM Remote User^|Searching the customer only limit by using service area by TSM configuration| |^Query parts list by model^|The part search will show list by model| |^Signature Required to complete^|select this option to automatically complete the job when the job signature is entered| |^Include jobs from Employee group^|select this option to enable employee group function: users are in the same employee group can access to the job assigned to this employee group| |^Include Quoted Parts^|select this option to show quoted parts and used parts on TSM Remote| |^Checklist Answers Required^|Job checklist, equipment checklist, assignment checklist are compulsory before completing a job| |^Default new Part to be Quoted-Part^|Default Details 2 page order type to Quoted| |^Customer search restrict to PDA^|Select this option to only show the client marked “Send to PDA” on TSM Remote under offline mode| |^Add offline Checklist^|Select this option to allow adding checklists in offline| === Security Settings === |^Lock Job Date^|Users cannot change Job Date if this option is selected| |^Lock Employee ID^|Users cannot change Employee ID if this option is selected| |^Lock Job Type^|Users cannot change Job Type if this option is selected| |^Lock Service Requested^|Users cannot change Service Requested if this option is selected| |^Lock Customer & Site Details^|Users cannot change the customer and site detail for the job if this option is selected| |^Exclude stages and variations^|Stage / Variation job details will be not sent to TSM Remote (Offline) if this option is selected| |^Hide Other1^|Hide Other1 field under job detail if this option is selected| |^Hide Other2^|Hide Other2 field under job detail if this option is selected| |^Hide Assignment Tab^|Assignment tab becomes unavailable to be changed if this option is selected| |^Hide Work Performed^|Work perform tab becomes unavailable to be changed if this option is selected| |^Hide Parts Tab^|Parts tab becomes unavailable to be changed if this option is selected| |^Site Notes Required to complete^|Select this option to require Site Notes entry before completing a job| |^Hide Travel Labour Types^|Travel laour type becomes invisible under Quick time if this option is selected, a default Travel also needs to be entered under the Default and Auto Sync setting| |^Lock jobs Filter to All Jobs^|Users cannot change Job filters if this option is selected| |^Hide Job Logging^|Job logging tab becomes invisible if this option is selected| |^Hide Time Tab^|Time tab becomes invisible if this option is selected| |^Hide Job Equipment Detail 2^|Equipment detail 2 tab becomes invisible if this option is selected| |^Hide Job Equipment^|Text – Equipment text tab becomes invisible if this option is selected| |^Hide Job Equipment^|Signature – Equipment Signature becomes invisible if this option is selected| |^Hide PAST from date filter^|Users cannot change the Date filter to PAST if this option is selected| |^Hide Parts - Purchase Order^|Purchase Oder option under Part, Detail 2 tab becomes invisible if this option is selected| |^Hide Parts – Requisition^|Requisition option under Part, Detail 2 tab becomes invisible if this option is selected| |^Exclude Job History – Offline^|Equipment job history will not be sent to TSM Remote in offline if this option is selected| === Default and Auto Sync Settings === |^Default Employee Group^|Default Employee Group| |^Auto Sync on Create New Job^|Synchronization will start after creating a new job under offline mode| |^Default Travel Labour Type^|Default labour type to use for Quick Time Travel| |^Auto Sync on Completion^|Synchronization will start after completing a job under offline mode| |^Default Standard Labour Type^|Default labour type to use for Quick Time Standard| |^Auto Sync on Status Update^|Synchronization will start after updating job status| === Status Keys === |^Open Status^|Status code to assign a job after it us accepted| |^Completed Status^|Status code to assign a job when it is completed| |^Rejected Status^|Status code to assign a job when it is rejected| |^Conflict Status^|Status code to assign a job when an update conflict is detected when writing TSM Remote data back to the backend TSM Server| ==== Logo Settings ==== Under Logo Settings, you can upload your company logo and it will be displayed in TSM Remote. * Upload image for login page: size limits 450px * 86px * Upload image for other pages: size limits 264px * 40px ==== Support Files ==== * This option is designed to control TSM Remote, please leave it as default. ==== Manage Conflicts ==== * Synchronization conflicts will be available under this tab.