===== Parts ===== This window displays all parts added to the selected job. {{:7000tsm_remote:7100tsm_remote_user_guide:7050jobdetails:7050part.png?450}} By long click on any part detail, you can enter to part edit mode ==== Part - Detail 1 ==== {{:7000tsm_remote:7100tsm_remote_user_guide:7050jobdetails:7050partdetail1.png?450}} This screen allows parts used to be added directly into TSM Remote. If you enter an invalid Product ID or you click on the Search icon (binoculars), TSM Remote will display the product search screen. {{:7000tsm_remote:7100tsm_remote_user_guide:7050jobdetails:7050partsearch.png?450}} The Parts Search screen allows you to query the TSM product database for parts to add to TSM Remote. The list of parts available to be searched is restricted to one or more of the following: * Those parts in the logged in employees van (if you are using multi-location stock control) * Where the TSM Remote checkbox is ticked * Where the model that the parts are linked to in TSM is one of the models of equipment linked to jobs in TSM Remote **Note:** To improve performance, only the first 100 or so parts are displayed. If you need to search further you will need to refine your search criteria. ==== Part - Detail 2 ==== Within this screen the employee can specify the following: ^Do we need to create a TSM Purchase order for the part entered.^ This option is used when you have just purchased the parts from a supplier (such as a hardware store) and you wish to create a Purchase Order in back office TSM to match against the purchase when the supplier invoice is received later. If you choose this option, you will need to enter the Supplier the goods were purchased from as well as an Order reference number to reconcile back to your Purchase order. {{:7000tsm_remote:7100tsm_remote_user_guide:7050jobdetails:7050partorder.png?450}} **Note:** This option is only available when you have the TSM Purchase Orders module. ^Is the part coming out of stock^ Use this option when you are adding normal parts used to the job card ^Is the part being added as a Requisition^ The part being added will create a part requisition in TSM and then after you save, the part will no longer appear in TSM Remote. **Note:** This option is only available if you have the Requisitions and Commitments option enabled in TSM. {{:7000tsm_remote:7100tsm_remote_user_guide:7050jobdetails:7050partdetail2.png?450}}