=== Log In === * Enter **Client ID** and **Password**. Both are not case sensitive. * For __initial or first time log in__, TSM Self Service will ask to reset password. Suggest to limit number of characters to 8. * The new save password will auto update TSM Customer setting. {{:9000tsm_ss:log1.jpg?1000|}} === JOBS === **All information and details depends on business and work process. It's the TSM Customer responsibility to orient their Contact or Client about their naming convention, codes and process.** Once inside TSM Self Service, initial window will be in **Job Search**. * **JOB SEARCH** * Contact or Client may __only__ view jobs assign to them or their sites. * They may search existing job or jobs based on date range, job number, client order number, site ID, Contact or phone. * **"Text Search on Problem**" is referring to __service requested__ details. Client may search by key word/s. * Faster search use **"Incomplete Jobs Only?"** Or empty all fields and simply click **"Search"** to search all log jobs. * You may click the __arrow button__ to minimized or expand show search window. * Click on the __Job Number__ to open a job. {{:9000tsm_ss:jobdetails2.jpg?800|}} * **JOB** * **Job Information**, details of the job. * Contact or Client details refers to **"Company ID"**, **"Company"**, **"Contact"**, **"Phone"** and **"Email"**. * **"Site ID"**,**"Site Address"** and **"Site Contact"** identify where the job is requested and contact person. * **"Logged by"** name refers to the contact person who created the job in TSM Self Service. * **"Priority", "Service Requested" and "Job Type"** maybe define by contact during job creation. TSM Customer are allowed to modify or update these fields. * TSM Customer details are also available. Such us assign **"Employee"**, **"Start Date"**, **"Completed"** date, **"Biller"** details and **"Service Code"**. **"Worked Performed"** refer to job notes written by the assign employee. * **"Status Code"** is the job status. Status update depends on job activity or process. * **"Add notes to service request"**, allows contact to append service notes. Just click to open a small window on the side and write necessary notes. Click **Save** and it will be added as another line item (date/time and notes) to **"Service Requested"**. **This is the only field a Contact or Client are allowed to update for any existing open status job.** {{:9000tsm_ss:jobdetails1.jpg?800|}} * Below example a complete job. Inside **Job Information** the **"Completed"** field will have the date of the job completion and **"Total Job Value Ex GST"** will be updated. * Contacts may view details of **Equipment Worked On**, **Time Entries**, **Material Used** and **Documents**. * **Equipment Worked On** are parts, tools, materials or products define by the business as an equipment. * **Time Entries** shows the labour time details such as date, employee, comments, billed hours, rate and total. * **Materials Used** can be parts or materials define by the business as products. * **Documents**, this is where all job documents for Contact or Client viewing. {{:9000tsm_ss:jobcomp4.jpg?1500|}} * **NEW JOB** * Contact or Client may raise a __new job__ using TSM Self Service. * Inside TSM Self Service, click on **NEW JOB"" to create a new job. * **"Customer Details" are contact details and are lock for editing. * **"Site Details"** are information where the job need to commence. * Default site shown is based on log in contact. For those contact with multiple sites, use drop down arrow to select and click **"Get This Site's Details"**. * If you wish to create a new site, click on **"Clear Site Details"** and fill-up all the fields with information. Once done, click on **"Add New Site Details"**. This will be updated in TSM as a new **Contact Maintenance** as **"Site Customer"**. * Add new job details by completing fields below "//Please complete all details below to submit your request for a new service job//." * Hit **Submit**, new job number will be created and send job request to vendor or TSM Customer. {{:9000tsm_ss:newjob2.jpg?900|}} === EQUIPMENT LIST === * **Equipment** can be any parts, tools, materials or products as define by the business in the __MAINTENANCE CARD__. * Contacts or Clients may **1)** view equipment details with all the jobs logged against it and **2)** Create a new job for a chosen equipment. * To view equipment assign to a site, go to **EQUIPMENT LIST** * //"Select Site to Display Equipment for:"// using the drop down arrow to select the site of the customer * Type in the **"Productid"** and hit **Search** to search for certain equipment, or just search empty productid to display all equipment * Equipment information includes **"Product ID"**,**"Description"**,**"Serial"**,**"Asset#"**,**"Model"**,**"Location"**,**"Qty"**,**"Installed"** and **"Warranty Expiry"**. You may check with your TSM Customer the exact definition of each items. {{:9000tsm_ss:ss_sreach.jpg?900|}} === SITE MANAGEMENT == This is the Contact or Client __job site__ details. Click on to **SITE MANAGEMENT** to open. * **Site ID** is Contact site reference. This field is lock for editing. * Update other details if necessary and click **"Submit changes"** to update TSM Customer back office **Contact Maintenance** card. {{:9000tsm_ss:site1.jpg?900|}}