Incident Description
Receiving errors indicating missing or invalid *.FPT files, or other miscellaneous errors relating to data access in TSM.
Starting TSM with the command ‘check’ will run an advanced type of reindex which can diagnose and repair data faults.
Note: If you receive errors during the check process, the server hosting TSM will need to be rebooted to resolve any locked files.
1. In TSM click “Help” → “About TSM” then click the ”Program Information” tab.
2. Make a note of the “Program File Directory”.
3. Click the Start menu and type cmd, right click and run as administrator.
4. In cmd, type “cd c:\xx\xx\tsm(full program directory taken from the program information page)”. And hit Enter.
Note: If the location of the TSM directory contains a space, you will need to place quotes around the program location. Otherwise quotes are not required. See screenshot above.
5. Type in TSM check, and hit Enter
6. TSM will start and after a backup, display the progress of the check similar to a reindex. Once it is complete, restart TSM.