Incident description
Parts or Time do not display on an Invoice. This document will illustrate some of the more common reasons for this happening.
1. On the Invoicing tab for the selected Job Card, check that the options to print Parts and Labour are selected.
2. On the Timesheet or Parts Used screen, check that the option to “Do not print on invoice” is not selected.
3. Check that the parts you want to print are not Quoted Parts
4. On the Invoicing tab, under the Quote heading, if there is a dollar amount in either the Labour or Parts fields, this will prevent the individual Part or Timesheet line items from displaying dollar figures.
There is a setup option which toggles whether a dollar amount in either of these fields affects the way both Parts and Labour print on the Invoice, or if a dollar amount in Parts only affects Parts and a dollar amount in Labour only affects Labour. This can be found under Utilities → Setup → Job Cards, Page one. The option is titled “Quoted Job Price includes both parts and labour”.
5. Re-index your TSM Data. Please see Reindex TSM for information on re-indexing.
6. It is possible that the invoice template you are using to print has been customised to have a “Print When” condition on the parts or labour fields, or that these fields do not exist under the selected invoice layout. Please consult TSM Support for assistance.