Upgrading MYOB Post version from 2 to 3


Incident Description

MYOB Post needs to be updated to version 3.


This document describes the process of updating from MYOB Post version 2 to version 3, to mimic the functionality of version 2. Please do not hesitate to contact TSM Support if you experience problems or have any questions.

You will need:


1. Create a directory for the installation next to the one v2 is installed in. Download the MYOB Post v3 installation file from the TSM updates site and install it into this directory.

2. Run MYOB Post v3. Initially both sides of the connection will fail and the following messages will be displayed:

[Enabling Debug Log]

3. On the Tools menu, select Options. On the General Options screen select “Show Debug Log on Main Window” and press OK. MYOB Post will shut down.

[TSM Configuration] [MYOB Configuration] [MYOB Registration Website]

4. Restart MYOB Post. Open the options window and select TSM and on the General tab enter the location of the TSM folder and the login credentials:

5. Select the MYOB Options on the left and enter the location of the MYOB executable file, the data file and Administrator’s login credentials on the General tab.

6. Make sure “Use Card IDs to identify records” is ticked. Press OK and close MYOB Post.

7. Restart MYOB Post. It should not bring up the “Unable to connect to TSM” message at this point, but the one for MYOB will still appear. If still unable to connect to TSM – check the following:

8. License MYOB Post v3. You will need to contact the Proware office for this step.

9. Restart MYOB Post. Register MYOB for ODBC online. On the MYOB Options screen, General tab, click the link to take you to MYOB site:

[MYOB Company Information] [MYOB License Screen]

10. Enter the MYOB Product Registration Key and the Solution Activation Number for MYOB Post v3 of “3568965.”

11. If the online registration is successful, you will be prompted to open MYOB in single-user mode and update the license online. Follow these instructions to update the customer’s license;

11.1 Log Into the MYOB company file as Administrator, in single-user mode.

11.2 In MYOB’s Setup Menu, select Company Information and click on License.

11.3 On the resulting screen click “Enable Online.” A Progress bar will appear followed by a prompt advising that the license has been updated. Press OK.

12. Restart MYOB Post. If the software is still unable to connect to MYOB, check the debug messages for troubleshooting. Contact the Proware office for help. It is possible that there is a problem with the ODBC drivers or the license registration.


13. In the Options screen, select TSM Conduits. The exact conduits settings will vary from site to site as they depend on the specific needs of the business. Below is a table of suggested TSM Conduit settings. Fine-tuning these may require TSM Consultation. Please contact the Proware office to organize this.

Conduit Name Read New Update Delete
GL Codenononono
Category Codenononono
Job Codenononono
Priority Codenononono
Service Codenononono
Status Codenononono
Department Codeyesnonono
Area Codenononono
Fault Codenononono
Repair Codenononono
Customer Codeyesyesnono
Supplier Codeyesyesnono
Employee Codenononono
Tax Codenononono
Payment Termsnononono
Payment Codeyesyesnono
Labour Codenononono
Product Codenononono
Schedule Codenononono
Product Movementnononono
Shipping Notesn/anon/an/a
Supplier Invoicesyesnon/an/a
Cost of Goods Soldyesn/an/an/a

14. In the Options screen, select MYOB Conduits. As with TSM conduits, below is a suggested configuration.

Conduit NameReadNewUpdateDelete
GL Codenon/an/an/a
Category Codenon/an/an/a
Tax Codenon/an/an/a
Payment Codeyesn/an/an/a
Job Cardn/anon/an/a
Sales Ordernonon/an/a
Supplier Invoicen/ayesn/an/a
Cost of Goods Soldn/ayesn/an/a

[Post 2 Configuration  ] [Post 3 Configuration]

15. Users of TSM MYOB Post v2 will now need to copy over some settings over to version 3. On TSM Options, General Tab of v3 there appears the department list used to limit posting to particular TSM departments. If this feature is used, it needs to be the same as in the Configuration screen of v2.

[MYOB Categories Setup Screen]

[TSM Departments List]

[Post 2 & 3 Settings Compared]

16. On the Categories/Accounts tab of v3 of the post the “Map Categories to” dropdown allows 3 options. These determine if TSM Departments are to be mapped to MYOB Jobs, Categories or to nothing.

Hint: If departmentalised posting is necessary it is recommended that TSM Departments are mapped to MYOB Categories. In this case they need to be synchronized with TSM. The MYOB Conduit for Categories and the TSM Conduit for “Department” need to be set to “Read” and you will need to make sure the job/category list in MYOB matches the Department list in TSM.

17. (In single user mode) In MYOB, go to the Lists menu and select Categories.

18. In TSM, go to Utilities, Codes Setup and select Department on the left.

19. These lists need to correspond to one another with TSM Code ID and Description match the MYOB Category ID and Name exactly.

20. The Department/Account mapping grids can be found on the same Categories/Accounts tab in MYOB Post 3. You will need to select each grid from the “Display Account Mappings for” dropdown and copy over the account settings from version 2 of the post.

Note: The “General” category in the Sales Invoices grid of version 3 corresponds to the “Contracts” category in version 2. There is no Default Payment Type category in Cash Receipts grid of version 3, so the default Payment account needs to be copied into all the types which are to go to default as shown below.

MYOB Post 3 – 1-1110 is the default payment type account

[COGS Settings tab]

[MYOB Payments Setup]

[Posting Payment Types]

21. The COGS posting settings are to be found on TSM Configuration, Cost of Goods Sold tab. Users of version 2 will find a new option “Last Invoice or Complete” which is useful for tracking residual COGS on Contract Jobs. Set the Cogs posting to the appropriate option. The option to exclude COGS for non-stock items is also here.

Note: To disable COGS posting you can tick the related TSM & MYOB Conduits off and untick the option on the General configuration screen, General tab.

22. To synchronise Payment Codes, first check they are entered correctly in MYOB and TSM. If they match exactly, this step can be skipped.

23. In MYOB go to the Setup Menu and select “Easy Setup Assistant”

24. In the Assistant select Sales and on the resulting screen “Payment Information” and then the detail button next to the “Payment Method”

25. The Payment Method list displays the MYOB Payment types that now need to be brought over to TSM

26. In MYOB Post v3 load data for Payment Types. The screen will display a line for each record in the list above.

Hint: While you may not use all of the payment types in TSM at the moment, it is best to import them all, in case they need to be used in the future. This way the procedure described here needs to be performed only once.

27. Tick the Payment types you want in TSM and click Post Data. Disable Payment Types in General Options.

28. Press OK and restart MYOB Post.

[Setting Records to Post]

Posting a test transaction

29. Go to the Tools Menu and select Options.

30. Select the types of data you want to post. Press OK.

Tip: The Payment Codes will need to be brought over from MYOB into TSM, thus updating the TSM Code table. If there is a requirement to post different payment types into different accounts and Payment Types are not brought over from MYOB, Cash Receipts may not post to the correct accounts. Once this is done, the Payment Code option on this screen can be disabled.

31. In the File Menu, select “Reload Data.” The resulting screen will reproduce the selections made in step 21. Users of version 2 will notice that the Invoice section contains extra options that allow the user to filter the invoices by date and invoice number. Press OK.

Note: The first data load may take a few minutes, especially if Customers, Suppliers and Products are loaded as these lists can run into tens of thousands of records for some sites.

32. A progress bar will appear and then the data will load, categorized into Payment Codes, Products, Customers, Invoices, COGS, etc on the left hand-side bar. Individual transactions can be selected by ticking the tickboxes next to them. To toggle all tickboxes, click on the column title “Sel.”

33. Press “Post Data” in the bottom right to start the posting process. Successful posts will be saved automatically and will disappear off the data screen. The results of the post and any errors can be reviewed from the Transaction History tab.

34. Check the results in TSM and MYOB – repeat for each type of transaction you are planning to post on a regular basis.

If you have any problems or questions, please contact the Proware office.