This guide details how to install, configure, use, and troubleshoot the latest version of the TSM MYOB Post.
Due to technical complexity and accounting practice implications, the setup of the TSM MYOB Post is generally handled a TSM consultant. If you wish to perform the installation yourself, please contact TSM Support and we can assist if you experience issues or have any questions.
Due to the large amount of data which must be synchronised, we strongly recommend that the TSM MYOB Post be installed on the same machine which hosts the MYOB Company file.
Before commencing installation:
You can now run tsm-myob-link-installer.jar and follow the wizard to install the program.
Following installation, the TSM MYOB Post must be configured to communicate with TSM and MYOB, and set which transaction types are posted and to which accounts.
The Categories/Accounts table allows setting of the appropriate MYOB account codes to use when posting Invoices, Supplier Invoices, COGS transactions, and Cash Receipts. The specific accounts to use for each transaction type need to be identified by each customer’s accountant.
If the accounts for department are left blank, the accounts defined in the default line will be used instead (these will also be used when posting a transaction with no department set). The default accounts set here can be overridden by defining an account code on any transaction in TSM.
Before attempting to transfer any data, ensure both MYOB and TSM have been backed up and the TSM MYOB Post has been correctly configured. To transfer data between TSM and MYOB:
The most common issue causing a transaction to fail is posting a record for a customer which does not exist. Customers and Suppliers in TSM match to Customers and Suppliers in MYOB based on the TSM CustomerID and the MYOB CardID. If these are not the same in both packages, you will need to Post the record across, or edit an existing record to ensure the IDs are identical.
An other likely issue preventing a specific record from posting is an invalid or missing account code. When posting transactions, the account code specified on the particular record in TSM (e.g. Parts Used) will be used. If no code is set, the account defined against the department in Categories/Accounts section of the Post options will be used (matching on the Job’s department). If no department is set, the accounts of the Default line of Categories/Accounts section are posted to.
This problem can occur on certain 64-bit systems when Java is not installed in the default directory. To resolve, right-click on the Post shortcut, select Properties, and on the Shortcut tab change the target to point to the current Java system executable (e.g. C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\javaw.exe).
This may be due to incorrect Java installation. Ensure 32-bit Java is correctly installed on the current machine. The problem may also be with the installation of the Jacob DLL. Download the appropriate version from and copy it to the Post installation directory.
To run correctly, the TSM DLL must be registered in Windows. Only one TSM DLL can be registered at a time, so if multiple TSM installations exist on the same machine, all copies must be kept the exact same version. To re-register the TSM DLL, open a command prompt with ‘Run as Administrator’ and type “regsvr32 c:\tsmdir\tsm.dll” (replace tsmdir with you current TSM directory).
If the MYOB Company file location, username, and password are correct, but MYOB is still not accessible, the issue may be due to Windows permissions. To resolve, right-click on the Post shortcut and select ‘Run as Administrator’.
On the Cash Receipt screen of TSM, the 'Deposit to Account' field allows setting a code which overrides the GL code set in the Post for each Payment type. If no account codes appear in this dropdown even after posting codes across from MYOB, click Utilities→ Codes in TSM, and change the Type field to “BANK” for all accounts you wish to post cash receipts to.