
The Employee Maintenance module allows you to set up the names of all of your employees, technicians and contractors, coordinators, managers and anyone involved in the process of running your service operation.

Once set up, employees can be assigned to jobs and added to time sheets. The users of TSM are also considered employees and are setup here.

Adding / changing Employees

For a new Employee:

Whether adding or changing Employee details:

To delete an employee, press the button and click on OK to confirm or Cancel to change your mind.

Note: You can not delete the last employee with Supervisor privileges.

Note: Deleting an employee will not delete any of the employee’s transaction history.

Searching for an Employee

If you wish to find a particular employee, use the Search window, by clicking the button from the toolbar, to enter codes or names to find a matching employee.

Within the Employee Search screen you designate the criteria to Search By and enter the value to search in the adjacent field to do the match against. When you have found a match, press the Select button to retrieve the details.

For example, if you have forgotten an Employee’s Code and only remember their first name, simply select First name as the search criteria and enter their first name and wait for TSM to bring you a match.

You can also click on the column heading to change the sort order and click again to change between Ascending and Descending order.

Options on the Employee Screen include:

Employee Activity Select the Employee Activity to restrict the list to employees with a selected activity code
(i.e. all employees with experience in a nominated area).
Employee Group Select an employee group to restrict the list to employees that are members of the employee group selected.
Service Area Restrict the list to only those employees within a selected Service Area.
Training/Qualification Restrict the list to the employees that have certain training/qualifications only.
Exclude Terminated Employees If selected, only current employees are displayed otherwise all employees are displayed.
Exclude current employee Opposite to above, only terminated employee will be displayed
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