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Add a Product to a job

The simplest way to add parts to a job is to use the Bulk Add Parts module, Manually Entered tab. This feature allows TSM Lite users to forgo using Product maintenance. To add parts using this method, follow this procedure:

  1. Open the required job. If you know the job number you can type it into the quick search field at the top right of the job card or search for it.<
  2. Go to the Job Details tab.<
  3. Press “Bulk Add Parts” in the bottom right of the screen and go to the Manually Entered tab.<
  4. Enter the Product ID, Description, quantity and price and press the down arrow to go to the next line.<
  5. Repeat for all the items required to be entered.<
  6. Press “Save” to commit the list to the job.<

How to Add a product to a job

  1. Open the required job. If you know the job number you can type it into the quick search field at the top right of the job card or search for it.<
  2. Go to the Job Details tab. You will see the products that have already been added to this job in the list at the bottom of the tab. This list may be empty because you are viewing quoted parts where no actual parts have been added or vice versa. Also there may in fact be no parts on this job yet. Use the “Show” dropdown to switch between actual and quoted parts.

Product detail<

  1. Press “Add a Part” on the bottom right of the screen. A Job Parts Used module will pop up. You will see that the job number is already populated with the current job’s number and there may be a red “QUOTE” marker if the job is still a quote. This means that you are adding a quoted part.<
  2. Enter the Product ID. You can search for it, if you do not know the exact code by pressing the looking glass icon next to the Product ID field. Press Enter or Tab.

Note: The description, cost, price and taxcode will appear on the module (if they are specified on the associated Product record). You can change all of these values without affecting the original Product record as Job Card Parts Used are stored in their own table. The sell price will reflect the markup code (1 though 5) for this customer. See complex product pricing.<

  1. Enter or amend the Description to reflect the exact nature of the item being sold. This text will be printed on the Invoice for the customer to see.<
  2. Enter the quantity of the product being quoted/sold.<
  3. Enter or amend the product’s cost per unit of quantity in the Item Cost ex tax field.<
  4. Enter or amend the product’s price per unit of quantity in the Price ex Tax field.

Note: You will see the total displayed in red on the lower right of the module.<

  1. Press “Save”. You can press “Exit” to return to the Job Cards module or press “New” to start adding another product. You will see the part you have just added in the list of Job Parts. You can use the Edit Parts button to make any changes to any the Parts Used record selected in the list. You may see a “Minimum Markup” warning upon saving a part (bee below).<

This is the minimum of information that is required to enter a meaningful Part Used record for a TSM job. Records thus created can be reported on using the Parts Used reports found in the Reports → Products module with the Report Type drop-down set to Parts Used.

Using the mark-up and discount fields

You will notice that the pricing section of the Job Parts Used module contains two fields for marking up and discounting the product. The first of these is the markup field. It is used for automatically multiplying the product’s price by the percentage entered into the field. Note that a negative value can also be used. Entering a value into this field and pressing Enter or Tab will calculate and fill the sell price and blank out the field itself. The results will be displayed in the price field and in red in the total on the lower right of the module. The markup percentage will be displayed on the right as well.

The same principle applies to price discount field.

If the markup is less than the minimum markup setting found on Inventory Markup Setup, a warning message will pop up. The user can still save the record with a lower than expected markup.

Adding Parts in Bulk

The Bulk Add Parts module has two tabs allowing 2 different ways of adding parts in bulk.

[Bulk Add parts filtered to display only the product with product types.]

Select from List

There is an function that allows the user to add multiple parts to a job at the same time. This option is particularly useful where the part cost and sell quantities are predominantly correct in the product database requiring little editing after bulk addition. To add parts in bulk, follow the following procedure:

  1. Open the required job. If you know the job number you can type it into the quick search field at the top right of the job card or search for it.<
  2. Go to the Job Details tab.<
  3. Press the “Bulk Add Parts” button. The bulk parts module will come up. The caption at the top will indicate if you are adding quoted or actual parts.<
  4. The module will display a list of all the parts in the database. They can be filtered by presence or absence of a Parts Category as well as the Common Items Setting (see Additional Information on Products Maintenance for further reference).<
  5. Enter the Price and Quantity for each of the required parts. Parts with zero quantities will not be added to the job.<
  6. Press “Save” to add the parts to the job.<

Manually Add Parts

The Manualy Add Parts tab on the Bulk Add Parts module allows the addition parts not found in the product database. Note that Product IDs specified in this module will not be automatically added to the Product database or become visible in the Product Maintenance module. This feature is useful for entering one-off part items that are unlikely to reappear in your business operations.

Additional information

There are a few more fields found on the Parts Used screen that can be used for various purposes.

There are the Notes and parts Refno fields which can be used for logging long and short notes against this Parts used record. The Employee ID field can be use to record the ID of the employee who is meant to have used this part on this job.

Sales Analysis is a field that can be used for reporting on sales or salesperson performance.

The Tax Code field allows one to specify the tax code for this time. If pre-defined on the Product Maintenance record it will be populated with that value automatically.

Ticking the “Do Not Print on Invoice” box for this product will preclude it from being displayed on the invoice report.

Finally the Unit of Measure (UOM) field is populated from the Product record and indicates what 1 unit of this product may actually represent in the case where dealing by the box, kilo, litre or barrel of product.