Simple Job Card Scenario

  1. Go to Action menu, select Job Cards and Job Cards. <
  2. Press New. <
  3. Press the Search button to bring up the Customer Search screen and select the appropriate customer record. <
  4. Select the correct site customer record, or enter the site address at the bottom of the job card. <
  5. Note down the job details in the Service Requested field, located at the bottom of the Job Logging tab. <
  6. Go to the Visual Assignment Scheduler to check the employee availability. To do this go to the Action Menu, select Visual Scheduler. <
  7. Make sure the Employee View is selected at the top of the screen. <
  8. Block out a timeslot for the job by pressing and holding the mouse and dragging it over the appropriate time length. <
  9. Enter the Assignment details on the Assignment Screen that will come up when you release the mouse button. Type in the job number at the top of the Assignment screen and press Save. The Job will be automatically updated with the employee’s name and the start date and time of the assignment (provided linked Primary Assignment Setup option is switched on). <
  10. The job is now logged and scheduled. The technician needs to be notified of the time and location the work is needed. You can do this in several different ways depending on whether or not the technician is due to come into the office before the job is due. The standard Job Card with Manual entries report contains Parts and Time grids for the technician to fill in with information about his work.
Print the job Card 1. Press the Print button at the top of the Job Card Module
2. Make sure the Job Card With Manual Entries report layout is selected.
3. Select Printer.The job sheet will be sent to the printer.

The technician can pick it up when they are next in the office.
Email the jobYou can do this in two ways:
1. by pressing the email button next to the Employee dropdown on the Job a special email report layout will be used to generate the email
2. by pressing the Print button as described above, but selecting Email instead of Printer.

This will automatically attach the Job Card to the email and forward it to the employee’s email.
SMS the JobYou can do this by pressing the SMS button next to the employee’s name on the Job Logging tab.
Send the Job to the PDAPlease appropriate documentation on how this works.

Entering Job Details
When the Technician returns to the office, they will bring the job sheet with their notes on what was done, how long the job took and the parts they used. <

  1. The technician comes back to the office and hands in his Job Card, filled in with the details of the work performed and the parts used on the job. It turns out for instance <
  2. Enter the Parts and Time into the job. To do this, go to t Job details tab. <
  3. To enter a timesheet, press “Add time”. Fill in the timesheet start and finish time, the date, the labour type and the Timesheet Job Comments to be displayed on the invoice. If you do not wish to display the comments on the Job card, you can enter them into the Internal Timesheet Comets field. Press “Save”. If there are several timesheets to enter, you can press new on the timesheets screen to create another timesheet for the same job.

Tip: If you do not wish the timesheet line to appear on the invoice report, tick the “Do not print on invoice” tickbox towards the bottom of the screen. This will not alter the invoice amount. <

  1. To enter the Parts used, press “Add Part”. Press the search button next to the ProductID. Select the appropriate product record. <
  2. Enter the parts unit cost to the business, the sell price and the quantity. You can change the product details – which will display on the invoice, but will not change the original Product record. Press Save. Once again, additional products can be added by pressing “New”. <
  3. Enter the Job Work performed, which is at the top of the Job Details tab.

Completing & invoicing the job
The job now needs to be invoiced and the invoice sent to the customer. When the customer pays the payment amount and details can be entered into TSM. All three functions can be performed from the same tab on the TSM Job Cards module – Invoicing. <

  1. To complete the job, go to the Invoicing tab and press “Complete”. You will notice the completed date appear in the bottom left-hand corner and the Invoice button become active. <
  2. When the job is ready to be invoiced, press “Create an Invoice”. You will notice the today’s date appear in the Inv Date field on the right. You can change this date to something else, if you want to backdate the invoice for example. The Invoice due date will be calculated automatically, it too can be changed. Press Save to save the invoice. You will notice the buttons Print Invoice, Delete Invoice and Receipts become active. <
  3. Press Print Invoice. A dropdown menu will appear with a list of invoice layouts. The simplest of these is titled simply “Invoice”. There are also several Remittance layouts which contain a tear-off slip at the bottom of the invoice. <
  4. Press “Printer” to send the invoice to the printer.

Reconciling an Invoice
The job has now been completed and invoiced. When the customer pays, their payment can be entered on the Invoicing tab of a job. To do this; <

  1. Press the button Receipts. <
  2. On the resulting screen, fill in the payment type, any payment reference details requited, tick the invoice in the Apply column of the grid at the bottom of the screen, and enter the Received amount in the yellow column. You need to also enter the total receipt amount in the top right-hand corner of the screen. You can tick the box “Auto Calculate Receipt Total” to do this.

Note: The amount received does not have to be the full amount.

  1. Press Save. Press Exit on the Cash Receipts screen. <
  2. Note that the amount owing has been updated. <

Variations on this scenario
This concludes the workflow for the simplest Job Card scenario which takes you from a customer call initiating the job through performing the work to receiving payment for the job. There are several things that may divert this process away from this workflow and they are covered in the scenarios below.