General Information

General Info tab

Account Status

The Account Status allows you to identify problem contacts.

The five default options are Active, Hold, Overdue, Inactive and COD, with another 3 customisable types (use the Label Customisation Screen to change their values. A value of Active verifies the contact has a normal status, a value of Overdue value will warn you when creating or changing jobs for that contact and a value of Hold will not let you create or change jobs for that contact. Inactive indicates a closed account and COD denotes a Cash on Delivery contact.

The contact's status will be displayed prominently in the top right hand-corner of the screen. When creating a new job for a contact that is not Active or COD a warning will appear. The Contact Status must be manually set and reset.

Customer Type

Used to categorise contacts for reporting purposes. It can also be used to establish a default service fee for a contact type (i.e. cash contacts have a different service fee from an account contact), which is done through Codes Setup. This fee will override the Default Service Fee specified in Job Card Setup, when the job is first created.


Identifies how the contact was obtained e.g. advertising in the yellow pages, word of mouth etc. Used for reporting purposes for example, reporting on revenue generated from a given source.

Cost Centre

The default cost centre that is associated with this contact. Used for reporting purposes.

Def Job Location

The default location that jobs for this contact will apply. New jobs created for this contact will have the default location set to this value. It is useful for identifying a contact with a particular job region.

Payment Type

Set the main type of payment that this contact usually deals with (such as Credit card, cheque, account). New jobs for this contact will have the payment automatically set to this value.

Price Code

TSM inventory items can have 5 different prices assigned to them (see Pricing on Products). Select the price level (1-5) to use for this contact.

Sales Rep

The sales representative usually assigned to this contact. Used for reporting purposes.


The technician that usually services this contact. They will be automatically assigned as the employee to jobs created for this contact. Select a technician here when you want the same technician to service this contact each time.

Default Labour Type

When creating a new job for this contact, TSM will set the default labour type to this value instead of the global default defined in the Job Cards Setup. This is useful when you have agreed on a special labour type / rate for this contact different from the usual labour type. For example, the standard labour rate might $80 per hour but for this contact, you will only charge $70.

Default Job Priority

You can specify a special Job Priority to be set whenever you create a job for this contact. Perhaps this is a special contact who deserves a higher priority. This can then be used to control Service Level Agreements (SLA’s) for individual contacts. It can also automatically set response times and estimated durations on jobs, and in turn automatically create associated assignments. See Priority Codes Setup for more information.

Default Department

You can specify the Department Code to automatically assign to jobs created for this contact. Departments can be used for reporting and posting to different account codes when using accounting packages.

Default Job Service Code

You can specify the Service Code to assign by default to jobs created for this contact, which allows you to set a minimum markup %. See the Service Code Setup for more information.

Default Job Type

You can specify the Job Type to automatically assign to jobs created for this contact, which is most commonly used to assign a colour to the job in the Job Centre and Visual Scheduler.

Employee Group

You can use this option to choose which group of Employees you will be able to select from by default when adding a Job Card for this contact. Useful for shortening the Employee list to those who are qualified to work for this Contact. See the Employee Group Codes Setup for more information.

Def. Job Cust Reference

The value entered here will be automatically copied to the Cust Reference field in the Job Cards, Job Logging tab for all new jobs created for this contact. Useful for automatically entering Order numbers or other reference notes onto Job Cards.

Enable Invoice Defaults

You can select default Invoice values for the selected customer by enabling this option. The following settings will be ignored if this option is disabled:

Contract Customer

Used to identify this contact as a Contract Customer or for any other purpose to draw attention to this contact. This information is displayed on the Job Card.

Site Customer

Used to identify this contact as a Site Customer. You can use this to filter your Contact searches, and can be used by some accounting post programs to trim the customer loading list. This option will also invoke a warning you if you try to use a Site Customer as a Billing Customer.

Enforce Order No.

This drop down menu is used to select how you want TSM to enforce the use of the Order No. field on a Job Card for this Contact. There are four options to choose from:

  1. Do not enforce order #
  2. Enforce order # when saving a job
  3. Enforce order # when completing job
  4. Warn on Creating and Enforce on completing
Send to PDA

Used to identify that this contact should be linked to your PDA package updates. This contact will be sent to your PDA whenever contacts are synchronised with it. Note: Only available if the optional TSMPalm or TSMRemote Link is enabled.

Prevent Accounting Post

If you do not want any invoices or receipts from this contact to be posted to an accounting package, check this option. This is useful if you integrate with accounting but do not want to post certain invoices such as internal work etc. Note: Only available if the optional Accounting Interface is enabled.

Price Discount / Cost Markup

For regular or special customers, you can give discounts from the regular selling price for parts used on jobs. This discount can be in the form of a discount on the sell price or a markup on the cost price.

Setting the discount value to zero will assign the cost price to the sell price of parts used on jobs. Discounts do not apply to Labour or other charges.

Credit Limit

The maximum credit allowable for this contact. You will be warned whenever you update a job card for a contact where the contact’s total amount owing is greater than the credit limit entered here. A value of zero (0) will disable this feature.

ABN / Company Number

The Company Number the company is registered under. It will be printed on various documents including the invoice.

Default Service Fee

Each job card has an optional service fee. Usually this is a standard fee determined by the value stored in the Job Card Setup. You can setup how the Job Card Service Fee is determined for this contact. You have three options:

  1. Entering a value here will always charge this service fee for jobs created for this contact.
  2. Leaving this blank (or zero) will use the Setup Default Service Fee or the service fee configured for the selected Contact Type if entered
  3. Setting this to a negative value will ignore the Service Fee on the Job Card.
Internet Password

The password this contact will use to log into the TSM Self Service web site or any other password you want to store here.


You can keep track of your contact's birthdays for complimentary birthday greetings or for demographics, for example send birthday cards to your contacts using the Contact Labels option in Contact reports.

Tax Code

You can specify a special tax rate for this contact here. All new job cards will default to this special tax rate. If this contact is exempt from paying Tax/GST then select the “FRE” tax code or any other tax code set with a zero tax rate.

Aged Debtors

The fields within the Aged Debtors section allow you to keep tabs on how much is owed to you by a particular contact. In addition to the total amount owing, outstanding invoices are aged (default current, 30, 60, 90 days plus). Note: The values displayed here are only accurate as long as you are using TSM to manage your debtors (record both invoices and payments). This value might not be accurate depending in the accounting package you are linked to.