Contact Details

This page contains all the basic details that identify a contact such as address, phone, email etc.

Contact Address

Enter the Street, Suburb, State and Postcode of the contact here. TSM uses its own look-up table to automatically display Postcodes, Suburbs and States from the information you enter here. You can overwrite the information if it assigns an incorrect suburb/postcode/state. (Automatic lookup available in limited regions only).

Service Area

You can allocate a pre-defined service area code to narrow down the site to a specific region. These codes will be specific to your business, which you can create in the System Codes screen. You can then print out a report of all contacts in a selected service area. For example, a service area could be north, south east or west. Or it could be Country or Metropolitan etc.

Google Maps

Tsm now supports Google Maps. Click on the map icon next to the Service Area to display a Google Map of their location.


The Country the contact is from.


Write any notes that are related to this supplier.


This section is used to log information for the Primary Contact for this Contact card. Note that changing any of these fields will not create a new record or update an existing one on the Contacts tab.


This can be used either to note the contact’s salutation (Mr, Mrs, Dr) or their position in the company (CEO, Receptionist, etc)

Home Phone, Work Phone, Mobile, Fax

These fields can be used to note telephone numbers relevant to this primary contact


Used to note the email address for this contact. Press the button to open the Send Email dialogue for this address.


A drop-down menu to note the industry the customer belongs to. Can be customised in the System Codes.

Account Status

The Account Status allows you to identify problem contacts.

The five default options are Active, Hold, Overdue, Inactive and COD, with another 3 customisable types (use the Label Customisation Screen to change their values. A value of Active verifies the contact has a normal status, a value of Overdue value will warn you when creating or changing jobs for that contact and a value of Hold will not let you create or change jobs for that contact. Inactive indicates a closed account and COD denotes a Cash on Delivery contact.

The contact's status will be displayed prominently in the top right hand-corner of the screen. When creating a new job for a contact that is not Active or COD a warning will appear. The Contact Status must be manually set and reset.

Tax Code

You can specify a special tax rate for this contact here. All new job cards will default to this special tax rate. If this contact is exempt from paying Tax/GST then select the “FRE” tax code or any other tax code set with a zero tax rate.

Prevent Accounting Post

If you do not want any invoices or receipts from this contact to be posted to an accounting package, check this option. This is useful if you integrate with accounting but do not want to post certain invoices such as internal work etc. Note: Only available if the optional Accounting Interface is enabled.

Billing Address

In many companies, the jobs are invoiced and paid for by the same company the job is for. However, invoices sometimes need to go to a different address. Perhaps this is a PO Box or some other address of the same company the job is for, and sometimes the invoice needs to go to a completely different company contact.

For example, a business may have more than one site or branch. A multiple site company may request that all work performed at a particular branch should be billed to the head office. In this case the Billing ID for the branch would be assigned to the company's head office.

You can enter one of two billing types but not both:

  1. If the invoice needs to go to another contact, enter the Customer ID of another contact that you wish to send the bills to, into the Billing ID field. This contact must already exist in TSM.
  2. If the invoice needs to go to the same company but forwarded to another address such as a PO Box address, enter a billing address directly into the Billing Address field.

The Billing Address is used as the default address for invoices on jobs created for this contact.

Payment Terms

Enter any special Payment terms here for this Supplier. The terms are used to calculate payment due date for any invoices generated for this Contact. See the Payment Terms Code page for setup options.

Only enter a value here if you want to override the Default Invoice Terms entered in the TSM Setup screen under the Invoices tab.

Supplier Type

Used to categorise supplier for reporting purposes. It can also be used to establish a supplier as a contractor and we can set the course qualification in code setup for contractor and supplier.

Default Department

You can specify the Department Code to automatically assign to jobs created for this contact. Departments can be used for reporting and posting to different account codes when using accounting packages.

Note: Any invoices created for a linked Billing ID will use the invoice terms of the Billing ID and not the contact.