Adjusting Inventory

Adjust tab

The Adjust Inventory page option allows you to easily transfer stock from one location to another. This tab is only available if Multi-Location Stock Control is enabled on the Inventory Setup page.

Use the left pull-down list to select the location you wish to transfer stock from. Only inventory locations assigned to this item can be selected.

Use the right pull-down list to select the location you wish to transfer stock to. This can be any location you have set up in TSM.

Select the quantity you wish to transfer and enter any additional information you might need to capture (Job #, Employee, Ref and Comments relating to this transfer).

Click the button to move the requested quantity of the selected item from the source to the target location. The on hand quantity will reduce in the source location and increase by the same amount in the target location.

Inventory adjustments are recorded on the Movements tab and can be printed out from the Inventory Transfers report.

Serialised Parts

Selecting Serialised Parts

If the product is serialised you can enter the serial numbers to transfer in the Serial # field. Click the button next to the Serial # field to bring up the selection screen.

You can select which location from which to move stock in the top dropdown. Note that changing the location will remove any previous selections as only one location can be moved from at any one time. Once you have selected which serial numbers to move click the Process button.

Select a location to move the stock to and click transfer to complete the adjustment.