
Groups tab

The grouping function within TSM allows you to assign multiple items to a job card by selecting a single item.

On the left of the page is a list of all available items and on the right is a list of those items to be grouped under the selected product.

Click to add the selected item to the group on the right and to remove items from the group.

Once selected, you can optionally assign a quantity if more than one if any component is required.

Adjacent to the quantity column there is an option labeled “Time”. Below there are tick boxes against each item added to the group. If this option is ticked then the items quantity will be measured in hours and applied to the total duration of the job.

Note: This will not add a time sheet or be counted as labour. The above time tick box only adds time in the way of duration against the job.

You can also type in part of the component part number into the Search field to quickly jump to that component.

There are 6 options in the Kit Type dropdown.


The item is not a Grouped item

Bill of Materials

The Bill of Materials allows you to select multiple items that make up a finished product and place all components on the job card. The Bill of Materials item will display both the cost and sell price. All components will appear on the job card but will have no cost or sell price displayed. The on-hand quantity of each Bill of Materials component will be adjusted.

A good example of when to use a BOM is when selling a computer. The Computer usually has a fixed price but consists of a number of discrete components including the Screen, the Case, RAM, HDD, Processor etc. Each of these should be itemised separately on the Job card but not display any cost or sell price.

If you enter a cost or sell price for the BOM Item then adding the BOM to a job will use the cost or sell entered. If however, the cost or sell is zero, TSM will accumulate the cost or sell of all the component items making up the BOM and use this total for the respective cost or sell of the BOM item added to a job.

Grouped Items

A grouped item is a convenient way of adding multiple items to a job in one go.

For example, you wish to use a kit when servicing an item. A kit consists of item A, item B and item C. Rather than selecting each item individually, you could set up a kit and group items A, B and C to the kit. Each time you add the kit as a part to a Job Card, TSM will automatically add the grouped items to the Job Card because they constitute the kit.

The grouped part number is used as a convenient way of grouping a number of individual items and is not itself placed on the job card.

As the grouped item itself does not represent a real item, it must be categorised as Non Stock.

Kit (Component Cost)

Kits (Component Cost) are similar to Bill Of Materials except in the way the Cost price is calculated. The Sell price is always derived from the Kit item. If a cost price is entered against the primary kit item, then that cost will display against the primary kit item otherwise the individual cost prices will display against the kit components.

Kit (Kit Item Cost)

Kits (Item Cost) are similar to Bill Of Materials except in the way the Sell price is calculated. The Cost price is always derived from the Kit item. If a sell price is entered against the primary kit item, then that sell price will display against the primary kit item otherwise the individual sell prices will display against the kit components.


As opposed to the above options which are essentially groupings of components put together at sale time, Assemblies are finished items that must be built before they can be sold. The components making up an Assembly are consumed and no longer exist after an Assembly is built. Assembly items must be categorised as a Stock.

Assigning an item as an Assembly displays the button. Pressing it will bring up the Build Assemblies screen for this product.