Schedule Rates

Schedule Rates tab

The Schedule rates tab can be used to set up the various maintenance schedules for this product, to automate their entry into a maintenance contract using the Create Schedules for Equipment button.

Click to create a new to create a new Schedule rate entry, to edit an existing entry, and to remove a line.


The name of the schedule created from the schedule type.

Schedule Type

The Schedule type code used to create the schedule, from which come the period and department information comes from. Schedule types need to be configured using Codes Maintenance.


The estimated / prescribed time in hours the work is meant to take, which populates the 'Allocated hours' field on the schedule.

Rates 1-5

The five different rates to be applied to the schedule depending on the customer’s price level set on their Customer Card.

Next Schedule to be based on

The date from which the next schedule date is to be calculated based on the period in Schedule type. There are two choices available – the install date of the equipment (set on the Equipment tab in Maintenance), and the contract start date (set on the Main Details tab.

Service Requested

Any notes that need to be entered against this schedule, which will appear on jobs created from the schedule.