Main Details

|Main Details tab

Employee Code

Also referred to as Employee ID, this is a unique code used to identifying this employee. The Employee Code is usually the employee’s initials or name. Click the Update button to change the ID.


The employee’s full name.


If hired under contract, e.g. sub contractor, enter name of company that employee works for. Leave blank when employee is a permanent member of staff regardless if part or full time.

Address, Phone etc.

The employee’s contact details: Address, Home Phone, Work Phone, Mobile and Fax Numbers, and Email address. Click the Email button next to the address to send an email to this employee using the Email module. TSM uses the Mobile number to address SMS messages to the Employee. Note: Mobile numbers must be entered without spaces to ensure compatibility with SMS gateway providers.

ABN number

Enter the employee’s company number (ABN).

TSM Remote User

This option will appear, if TSM is registered for TSM Remote. Tic this to allow this user to log into the TSM Remote application. The username will be TSM Employee ID and the password will be their password, just as with a regular TSM log in.


The employee’s birthday date. You can then use this to prepare staff birthday lists.

Date Commenced

The date the employee was hired.

Date Finished

The date the employee ceased working. Used by TSM to flag an employee as terminated, which prevents them appearing in assignment and job dropdowns. Use this field rather than deleting the record from the database to allow reports to be run with their name as a sort criteria.

Hourly Cost

Enter the employee’s hourly cost. Note that this field is designed to hold the employees cost which is not necessarily just their salary. The purpose of this field is to aid job costing, not payroll. The amount in this field along with any fixed Employee overheads and labour type additional overheads and multipliers are used for calculating the timesheet’s cost. The sum of timesheet costs will appear on the Job Card’s Invoicing tab as “Labour Cost”.

Fixed Overhead

The Fixed hourly overhead to be added to the employee's hourly cost for non-Overtime labour. Use this to cover the portion of additional costs to attribute to one hour of an employees time.

Variable Overhead %

The percentage of the total Employee cost (including overtime loading) to add to the employees hourly cost to cover overtime overheads. This percentage is only applied when the labour type overtime multiplier is in force.

Overtime Overhead

This figure will apply as cost against all timesheets of type set in “Default Overtime Labour Type” in Job Card Page 2 Setup.

Hourly Allowance

The hourly allowance payable to an employee for non-overtime work.

Base Cost

The hourly cost to markup timesheets by. Will apply to timesheets for Service Jobs and Charge for Parts/Labour stages on Contract Jobs (not Fixed Price stages).

Tax File number

Enter tax file number (TFN) or social security number if applicable. Can be used to record a second company number if needed.

Employee Type

Enter category of employment the employee was hired for, e.g. sales, training, administration, technical, support etc. You can then report on all employees of a particular type.

Default Location

When multi-location inventory control is enabled, TSM uses the default location to identify the stock location (van) that inventory will come out of by default when this employee is assigned to the job.

Service area

Link employee to a specific area or region for reporting purposes.

Security Group

The security group that this employee belongs to. Security groups are configured in the TSM Utilities and controls access rights for TSM. Note: A user must belong to the Supervisors group (SPV) to be able to create other employees with SPV-level access.

Default Department

The department the employee is assigned to. The Job Card department code will automatically change to this value when an employee is assigned to a Job Card.

Default Labour Type

The default labour type to assign when adding Time Sheets for this employee.

Sales Analysis Code

Default Sales Analysis code, which is used for reporting.


Commission percentage applicable to this employee. Used for reporting purposes only.

Default Cost Centre

Link employee to a specific cost centre for reporting purposes.

SMS Information

Information to be included in the SMS command string in TSM Setup when %SMSINFO% is used. Press the SMS button to send an SMS message to the selected employee / contractor. This feature can be enabled in the Setup by selecting the Enable SMS Gateway option.

Supervisor and Supervisor Group

These fields are used with Palm Remote.

TSM Remote Employee Group

The Employee Group this user can record timesheets using the TSM Remote application.

Employee Comments

Enter relevant notes to be recorded for the employee e.g. medical conditions or driving disabilities etc.

See Job due Popup warnings?

Toggles the job due pop-ups to appear when this employee is logged in. The job due date and time is set on the Job Logging tab.

See Task due Popup warnings?

Similar to the Job Due popup warnings, this tickbox enables Task due popup warnings.


Used to set the colour of the Employee’s work for use in the Visual Scheduler.

Change Password

Click to change the employees login password. A prompt will appear asking for the currently logged in user password (to confirm that a supervisor/manager is making the change. Then enter the employees new password twice to confirm. The rights to change passwords are restricted using Security Groups.

Customer ID for Contractor

Specifying a valid TSM Customer ID in this field will allow the user to automatically create a Purchase order for this supplier for timesheets entered against a job. Used in a situation where subcontractor labour has to be entered as a timesheet, as well as a PO and works in conjunction with the “Supplier Time” functionality of the Purchase Orders module.

Max Jobs / Half Day

Specifies the maximum number of assignments that can be created for this employee automatically. It is used in conjunction with the First Available feature on Assignments and Tasks. Zero to disable.

Reserve TSM Licence

Ticking this box will allow this user to always be able to log into TSM by reducing the number of maximum logins by one per Employee record, this option is ticked for.