Job Logging

The Job Logging page is where you enter general details about the Contract Job to be done. Many of the fields are similar to normal Job Cards. Additional information includes:

Estimated Start Date

The date the Contract Job is estimated to commence.

Start Time

The time the job is expected to start. Unlike the range provided on the standard Job Card, it is a single value here.

Estimated End Date

The date the Contract Job is estimated to complete.

Original Value

The total estimated amount of the Contract Job. This is the total of the Quoted Price of each Contract Job Stage.

Approved Variations

The total Quoted Price of all Contract Job Stage variations that have been approved. Note: Unapproved variations do not affect the Contract Job total.

Current Value

The total Contract Job value including the original value and approved variations.

Exclude Variations

The exclude variations check box allows you to exclude variations from the retention calculation.

Default Retention %

The default percentage of retention that will be deducted from all invoices on this Contract Job. The default for this value is set in Contract Jobs setup. Note: You should not use retention if you use the Accruals method of calculating GST due. The correct method in this case is to invoice the full invoice amount and have the contact withhold payment of the retention component until payment is due.

Default Retention Days

The default number of days that retention will be held back before requiring payment.

Maximum Retention %

The maximum percentage of the Contract Job total that can be retained from invoices. The Contract Job total is calculated With or Without approved variations.

Tax Code

Select the tax code to apply to this job.

Sales Analysis

This field can be used for reporting purposes.

Age Retention From

Depending on how you run your service business, retention can be aged from the Invoice date or the Job Completion Date.


Although Contract jobs are estimated up-front, TSM still allows you to assign a sell price to each individual piece of material assigned to the Contract Job. This allows you to compare parts used profitability to the Contract Job profitability. The Sell Price assigned to materials used can be the standard sell price as calculated on normal Job Cards or a flat mark up percentage on the cost price.


Although Contract jobs are estimated up-front, TSM still allows you to assign an hourly rate to each individual time detail assigned to the Contract Job. This allows you to compare Labour profitability to the Contract Job profitability. The hourly rate assigned to time sheet entries can be the standard rates as calculated on normal Job Cards, a flat hourly rate for all labour on the Contract Job or a percentage of the employees hourly cost.

Default Labour Allowance

The default labour allowance to apply to all time sheet entries on the contract job. If left blank, the usual employee labour allowance is used.

Parts/Labour Include Tax

Ticking this will make all prices on the job inclusive of tax.

Round invoices to nearest 5 cents

This option will automatically round invoice amounts.

Fixed Price Job

This option allows you to determine if the invoice will be based upon either the quoted price or the actual price. If the option is set to fixed price the quoted amount against the cost centre will be displayed on the invoice. If the option is set to Invoice for parts/labour used then the actual cost of the parts and labour will be displayed on the invoice rather than the quoted amount.