Variations 6.82

Contract Job Stages

In TSM 6.82 Variations has undergone a dramatic change, it now has its own cost Centre, Tasks, Check List, Parts Used, Assignments and Documents tab.

Often, changes are required to a Contract Job after the job has been approved and quoted for. These changes or variations can be applied to individual stages of a Contract Job.

Before variations appear in the Contract Job financial details, they must be approved by entering an approved date (clicking the Approve button will enter the current date). Details such as Quoted Price, Estimated Cost, Labour and Materials costs are defined for the Variation using the Variation dropdown on the Cost Centre tab, and when adding entries to the Parts Used and Labour tabs.

To add a variation to a stage, select that stage and click on the Variations page. To add a variation, click on the New button on the toolbar.

The fields on the variation tab are the same as the ones on the stage tab. Their functionality is the same as for the stage itself. Additionally there is a table of all available variations for the stage at the top of the screen.