Job Card Parts Used

Job Parts Used screen

The Job parts used screen allows you to add or edit parts used entries. This screen can be accessed from the Parts Used module, Job Details tab, and Parts tab on Contract Job Stages.

Job Number

The job card number that this part was used on. This field is compulsory. If you came here via a Job Card, the Job Number will automatically be entered and is unavailable for editing.

Product ID

The Product ID of the part used from the TSM Product Database. If it cannot be found in the product database, you will be prompted to select from a list of products you have already created or to add it into the database. If you just want to accept the product as a one-off temporary product, press the Esc key. If you accept a temporary product then this part will not appear in the product database. Additionally, selecting a temporary value allows you to enter a cost price and mark-up to automatically calculate the sell price.

Entering a partial product ID and then pressing TAB, Enter key, or the search button will bring up the Product Search screen, where the correct product can be located. The resulting search screen allows the database to be queried based on the product’s ID, type, supplier, as well as a few other options. The basic details pertaining to the selected item, such as the default supplier, stock level and type are displayed at the bottom of the screen.


The description of the part used. This is a free text field allowing you to provide detailed descriptions of the part or service provided.


The notes for this specific part, populated from the Product Card.


The inventory location the part used came from. The on hand quantity will be decremented by the used quantity. Note: This is only available if multi-location inventory control is enabled in Setup.

Site ID

The site which the product is used on. Although a Job card can only be assigned to one Site ID, in reality the job might take place in a number of sites. You can identify which parts are used on which site here and then report on parts used for selected sites.

Parts Refno

A reportable reference number for this parts used detail.

Cost Centre

On a standard job the Cost Centre is used for reporting. On Contract Jobs this will define which Cost Centre the part is applied to. If a contract job and stage is selected, but you do not define a Cost Centre, Materials will be used by default.


The date the part was used on. This can be used for filtering of reports.

Employee ID

The Employee that used the part.

Do not print on invoice

Ticking this option will suppress printing this part used on the invoice. The Price of the part will still be applied to the Job/Invoice total.

Serial #

The Serial # of the part used. The serial number can not be entered if the quantity is greater than 1. If Serialised Inventory is enabled in Setup, you can choose a serial number in stock by clicking the Search button.

Tax Code

The Tax code that determines the rate of tax applied to this used part.

Income Account #

The account number / name to assign to the part when linked to an accounting package.

Sales Analysis

The Sales Analysis code assigned to this part. Used for reporting purposes.

Stage / Variation

Any Parts Used entry linked to a Contract Job must specify the Stage and Variation the used part applies to. Note: Only applicable for Contract Jobs and will be disabled otherwise.

Quote Option

You can give the customer multiple options from which to choose by using Quoted Parts. Click this dropdown to select which Option the quoted part belongs to.

Warranty Months

The warranty period for this item.


Defines the Unit of Measure of the Parts Used (e.g. Meters). This is used for reporting only. To have UOM multiply quantity and cost use a Purchase UOM.


The quantity of the item purchased. If the item is a Stock Item and the On-hand quantity falls below the reorder point, you will be warned that stock levels are low. If Stock Levels drop below zero and you do not allow negative stock, you will be warned that there is “insufficient stock”.

Item Cost

The costs price per unit of product sold. The Cost Price defaults to the Cost of the item in Product Maintenance based on the Costing Method (Fixed, Average, Last) defined in Setup. Note: This field can be hidden from staff using Security.

Last Cost

The cost price of this item when last purchased. This field is visible when the Cost Price is visible.

Markup %

The percentage to mark up the cost price by to calculate the Sell Price. This field is visible when the Cost Price is visible.


The unit price the part is sold for inc or ex tax (dependent on Amounts Include Tax option on the Invoicing tab).

Less Discount %

The discount applied to the sell price.

Nett Sell Price

The Final sell price per unit (inc or ex tax) when markups and discounts are taken into account.

Total ex Tax

The total price for the items sold exclusive of tax.

Total Inc. Tax

The total price for the items sold inclusive of tax.


Click this button to select a Prepaid Contract which you wish apply the total price to. Only contracts with a value (as opposed to incidents or prepaid labour time) can be used on parts.