Equipment Details

This section brings together all the details about the equipment you have logged at your contact’s sites, including warranty, schedules and equipment movements to form the basis of a maintenance contract. To locate equipment from all sites/contracts click the Search button while on this tab. The Equipment Details page contains all the equipment at the selected site. The page is divided into three main sections:

  1. The Site details and selection grid in the top right which displays all Sites bound to the current contract.
  2. The Equipment selection grid in the top left which all equipment bound to the selected site.
  3. The Equipment Details tabs which display information on the selected piece of equipment. These tabs are Item Details, Warranty/Contracts, Movements, Counters and Jobs.

Transferring Equipment

Transfer Equipment dialogue

Pressing the Transfer button on the Equipment Details screen to move equipment to a different site. Use the to radio buttons to select whether you wish to transfer the currently selected item or all items under this contract. Tick the box to include the schedules for this item. If this box is not ticked, the schedules will be deleted. Press the Transfer button and you will be asked to select the site to move the items to. You can select any site on any Maintenance Contract in TSM.

If the item you are transferring happens to have a serial number which is the master serial number of another unit (i.e. other units link to it via their master serial number), then TSM will let you know that some items are linked to this item and ask whether you want to transfer all the linked items along with the selected item. Answering yes will transfer all items on this site that are linked to the item you have selected. This provides you with a convenient way of moving an entire system to another site. If you answer no, only the item you have selected will move. TSM will inform you that the link to the item you moved is removed and none of the other items will be linked to anything anymore.

Copying Equipment

Sometimes it is easier for you to set up a site by copying the contents of an existing site. The Copy function works in a similar way to transferring items except it does not remove the equipment from the site you are copying from. Press the Copy button to copy the selected item or all items to a new site. If you check the Include Serial Numbers option, the serial numbers will be copied as well, however this will lead to a duplication of serial numbers.

Item Details

The Item tab contains the main information identifying the selected piece of equipment. You can add as many items as you want into TSM.

Product ID

The Product ID identifies the part number of the item covered by the Maintenance Contract. Click the New button in the top toolbar to add a new item to a site when this page is selected. Click on the Search button next to the ID field to search the products database for the product to be included. The label of the Item tab will assume the description of the item you select in the equipment product table. For example, if you add an item with a product ID of “PRT-001” that has a description of “Part Number 1” then the Items tab will be signed as “Part Number 1”.

Serial Number

The serial number of the item under contract. Serial numbers allow you to identify individual items of equipment and track their history. Entering a serial number which already exists in TSM will display a warning (depending on the option Allow Duplicate Serial Numbers in Maintenance Setup).

Master Serial Number

The serial number of another item on this site that you want to associate this item with. The Master Serial Number must exist already as an item under this site. This is useful if you want to link a number of items together under one logical unit. For example, computer manufacturers often sell a computer system which includes a system unit, monitor, keyboard etc. The monitor might be an individual item under the contract but its Master Serial Number is the serial number of the system unit it is linked to. Thus it is easy to refer to the whole unit by the master serial number which will show all the items that constitute that main unit.

Asset #

Often, companies assign their own unique asset number to items of equipment. The asset number identifies this item in your asset register.


The number of non-serialised items of this product that are under the maintenance contract. Note: This is only applicable if you have not entered a serial number against the item.


The version number of the item under contract. This could be a software version, ROM version or other information you might need.


The revision number of the item.


The make of the item.


The model of the item.


A memo field that allows to list the location of this item on the premises.


The date that the item was installed at the site.


The category of equipment types that this item falls under for reporting and searching purposes.

Walk Order

You can arrange your equiupment in the order that you would like to have them inspected. You allocate the equipment inspection order number in the WALK ORDER box. Should you change the number tsm will automatically renumber all the other items in the walk order. You can get an overview of the equipment and their position in the walk order by selecting on the icon next to the walk order field. You can filter the available equipment list (on the left) by making a selection from the menu at the bottom of the screen. Use the UP and DOWN button to scroll through the list of equipment in the walk order. Equipment can be added to or removed from the walk order using the ADD and REMOVE buttons. Save your selection by clicking on the COMMIT button.


Start Date

Enter a warranty commencement date in this field. This is the date the item was installed or the date the warranty on the item commenced.


Enter the length of the warranty Period in the units specified in Period Type.

Period Type

Select the Period Type (days, weeks, months, and years).

Expiry Date

Automatically calculated as the start date plus the warranty period. You can manually set the expiry date if you leave the Period and Period Type fields empty.


The original purchase date of the item. This and the following purchase details are passed to the Job Card Warranty details when linked to a Job Card.

Purch. From

Who the item was originally purchased from.

Invoice #

The original Invoice number the item was purchased on.


The country the item was purchased in.

Warranty Job Priority

The Priority code that is assigned to all Job Cards linked to this item if the job date is within this item’s warranty period. Enter a priority code here if you want to set a different priority for this item than the default Warranty Priority code set on the Maintenance Contract.

Maintenance Rate

Although you set a fixed rate for this Maintenance Contract, you can accumulate rates for each item individually to act as a guide to setting the contract rate. Enter a fixed Maintenance Contract rate here for this item. Press the Update button to set the rate. Enter the date the new rate starts and when that rate is valid to and finally the rate. This is ideal if you want to enter item rate increases in advance and have them automatically change when the start date for the rate is passed.

Service Fee

Enter a fee to charge on all non-Scheduled Job Cards linked to this item. This is useful if you need to charge a special amount in addition to any other fees for work done on this item.

Contract Job Priority

The Priority code that is assigned to all Job Cards linked to this item if the job date is within the contract period and the item is not under warranty. Once again, the Priority code allows you to control any Service Level Agreements you might have with the contact under this maintenance contract. Enter a value here only if you want to override the Contract Job Priority assigned in the Maintenance Contract itself.


You can add a checklist or checklist group to a piece of equipment on a maintenance contract:

  2. Go to the EQUIPMENT DETAILS tab
  3. Go to the EQUIPMENT tab
  4. Go to the CHECK LIST / GROUPS tab
  5. Select ADD
  6. Seelct the checklist group from the menu
  7. Save
  8. Repeat the process to add more checklists


The Movements tab displays an audit trail of all movements of the selected item from one site to another. This is useful to see a history of where an item has been.


The date the movement took place.

From Site

The Site the item was moved from.


The quantity of item moved.

To Site

The site the item was moved to.


The type of movement that took place. Types include:


The counters tab lets you store up to 5 counters for each piece of equipment. Counters can be added here or can be accumulated from the Job Cards Equipment Tab.

What do you do if your equipment has an EXISITING / INITIAL COUNTER READING?

How do you update the counter readings?

This can be done in two places:

  1. on the maintenance contract directly
  2. on the equipment tab of the job card

Updating the counter value directly on the Maintenance Contract:

  1. go to the COUNTERS tab on the maintenance contract
  2. select ADD
  3. enter the DATE, JOB NUMBER (if applicable) and latest counter value into the COUNTER field

Updating the counter value on the Job Card: (this applies if a job card was created from a schedule on a maintenance contract that had equipment linked to it OR on a job card that has had a piece of equipment added to it)

  1. go to the EQUIPMENT tab of the job card
  2. under EQUIPMENT DETAILS go to the COUNTERS tab
  3. enter the new counter value into the READING column
  4. select SAVE
  5. the counter value will now be updated in the equipment tab of the maintenance contract

You can setup your equipment counter so that you can charge for the additional counts on the counter:

  1. Go to the EQUIPMENT tab of the maintenance contract
  2. On the COUNTER tab fill in the COST field with the $ value charged per counter value eg. if we charge 10 cents per photo copy then enter 0.10 into the COST field

How do you charge for the additional counts on the counter?

  1. After you have entered and saved the new counter value on the job card, select the ADD COUNTERS button
  2. A product will now be added to the parts area of the JOB DETAILS tab which will include the number of counts in the QUANTITY as well as the COST and TOTAL charge

How do you charge a minimum number of counts?

  1. Fill in the minimum number of counts to be charged in the MINIMUM field on the counters tab for that piece of equipment on the maintenance contract
  2. When you select ADD COUNTERS on the job card, the minimum value will be added if the new number of counts did not exceed the minimum number

The Date the Count was logged

Job #

The Job # the count was sourced on.

Counter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Enter up to 5 counters for this count. Note: Like other TSM fields you can change the Counter labels to display any text you require by holding the Ctrl key and right-clicking on the label.


The Jobs tab displays all jobs carried out for the selected item. Press the View button to display the selected Job Card. Press the Add Job button to add a new Job Card for the selected item.