
TSM provides you with the ability to link multiple documents to a maintenance contract record. These documents can then be launched and viewed at any time. Document that can be linked including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, faxes and any other type of document you wish.

Documents tab

The Linked Documents tab will change colour to Red whenever any documents are linked.

Any linked documents are automatically attached to any Job Card created and linked to this maintenance contract. This is very convenient as you can for example attach a maintenance contract document or specific documents relating to the servicing of items under the contract each time you link a job card to that maintenance contract / contracted item.

Click to add a new document to this contact.

Removes the selected link from the contact.

Opens the selected linked document using the program it is associated with in windows.

Press to copy the selected file to another directory.

Press Open Folder to view the folder the document is stored in using Windows Explorer.

Prints the document using the default 'Print' command specified for the file extension in Windows.

Opens the Scanning module.


This is automatically set to “M” to signify this as a Maintenance linked document.

Document Name

The name and path of the linked document. In a network environment, ensure that this document name points to shared directory that is publicly available to all users.

Document Description

Enter a meaningful description of the contents of the document.

Don’t link to Job cards

Tick this if you do not want this document to be linked to all job cards for this maintenance contract.