Creating Scheduled Job Cards

TSM has the ability to automatically generate Job Cards from schedules that are due. Press the Cards button on the Maintenance toolbar. TSM will display a list of all scheduled maintenance services due in the selected Next Schedule data range which have not yet had jobs created for them. Hint: Schedules can be automatically created using the MAKECARD Command Line option.

Process Maintenance Schedules (Cards) screen

Information entered includes:

Total scheduled Job Cards

Displays the number of schedules matching the selection criteria.

Next Schedule From / To date range

Enter the date range between which any schedules Next Schedule date will fall. Note: If the date range you select is wide enough and a schedule would occur more than once in that date range, only the next schedule will appear. You can not create more than one job card for any individual schedule at one time.

Print Scheduled Jobs when created

Any Job Cards created from the schedules will automatically be printed out when they are created if this option is checked.

Show selected schedules only

Tick this to display only the schedules you have selected.

Service Area

Restricts the display to schedules for Sites where the Site Customer Service Area is equal to the value selected.

Customer Type

The schedule list is filtered to schedules with Site Customer having the Customer Type selected.

Job Type

Likewise, you might just want to generate maintenance schedules, billing schedules, tune up schedules or what ever grouped together by Job Type. By selecting a Job Type, only schedules due for the type selected will appear and be generated.

Rollover All

This will tick the rollover box against all the listed schedules.


This box will be checked if the schedule is set to Auto-Quote.


Individually select or deselect Schedules for auto-generation of Job Cards.


Pressing this button will reload all schedules due based on the criteria entered, clearing out any Rollover and Selected checkboxes set.

Select All

Selects all Schedules due for Job Card creation or Rollover by setting the Selected check boxes.


Selects all Schedules with the Rollover check box set.


Press this button to automatically generate Job Cards or Rollover Schedules (if the Rollover check box is set) for all schedules that have been selected. If the Rollover check box is not set, TSM will generate a unique Job Card for each schedule, assigning each its own Job Card Number. If you select the Print Schedule Jobs when created option, then each job card created will be printed out.


Closes this screen without generating any Job Cards or rolling over any schedules.

Note: If the “Create one job for multiple schedules when same” option is selected in the Maintenance Setup screen, schedules that are linked to the same Site and are due on the same date and are assigned to the same employee (or no employee) will link matching schedules to a single job card. TSM normally assigns the Schedule Type to the Job Card Job Type field. The Schedule Types field on the Equipment page of the job card holds the different Schedule Types and is also selectable from Job Card reports to allow you to report on jobs for different schedule types. Any job card reports that displays scheduled information linked to the job card will only display the first schedule if multiple schedules are linked.